Sigh, at times it's the small things that you miss that bite you in the

(defun org-dblock-write:recently-modified (params)
 (insert (mapconcat (lambda (arg) (concat "[[file:" arg "][" arg "]]" ))
(split-string (shell-command-to-string "ls -t
/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/org *.org | head -10")) "\n")))
(org-agenda nil "a")
(find-file "/cygdrive/c/Dropbox/org/")

I forgot (delete-other-windows), I don't know if it the default behavior but
my agenda opens up 1/2 height and I have to run C-x 1  to make it full
screen after C-c a a    . . .now to get my next dynamic block function
(another thread to be started) working and I will have my weekly agenda on
one side of the screen.  On the tother I will have recently modified files
on the other, needing filed captures and Unscheduled TODO items.

Thanks for all the help everyone has thrown my way.  I am going to look at
Filippos' code to see if I can even make this a bit more elegant.


On Thu, Mar 17, 2011 at 5:52 AM, Filippo A. Salustri <>wrote:

> Here's what I do:
> (let ((initial-buffer (current-buffer))
>           (agenda-window (selected-window))
>           right-window)
>       ;; We're still in the root window.
>       (set-frame-size (selected-frame) 162 50) ; resize the aquamacs
> window.
>       (org-agenda nil "0")
>       (tabbar-close-tab                 ; close *scratch* tab.
>        (tabbar-get-tab (get-buffer "*scratch*")
>                        (tabbar-current-tabset)))
>       (setq right-window (split-window-horizontally 80)) ; make the right
> window.
>       (select-window right-window)
>       ;; whatever buffer we started in, make it appear in the right side.
>       (switch-to-buffer initial-buffer)
>       (select-window agenda-window) ; go back to the agenda.
>       )
> The call to org-agenda is just a custom block view.
> I end up with the agenda on the left, and some initial, other buffer on the
> right.  No scratch or anything else visible.
> Seems to work for me.
> Cheers.
> Fil
> On 17 March 2011 06:34, Matthew Sauer <> wrote:
>> No, that still gives me the scratch buffer over the top and the the two
>> windows I want down below.  When I had the startup page activated it would
>> override one of the two buffers that I had selected but for some reason the
>> scratch buffer is dividing the screen horizontally and place itself over the
>> top of the two buffers I open at the end of .emacs
>> Going to have to look at some of the emacs documentation.   What I am
>> trying to create is a bit of elisp magic that will open the agenda on the
>> right buffer and my (with everything I have captured that
>> needs sent to a home and some dblocks with recently opened items and maybe
>> another one with my unscheduled todo's.
>> Matthew
>> On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 11:45 AM, Nick Dokos <>wrote:
>>> Matthew Sauer <> wrote:
>>> > Okay, so I have been working on some ideas for a customization file for
>>> startup, an org-agenda,
>>> > recently modified and maybe unscheduled todo's . . accessible via a
>>> function key and at startup.
>>> > Kind of a "home screen".   I have it working fine when I run the code
>>> but my problem is that when I
>>> > have it run in .emacs on startup it comes up (agenda on the right and
>>> my other chosen buffer on the
>>> > left (last code in my .emacs to be run) and then the screen is split
>>> horizontal and the scratch
>>> > buffer opens on the top.  For me this isn't the desired behavior,
>>> didn't know if anyone knew how to
>>> > turn off emacs opening into a file or if I should move this code to
>>> another location because emacs
>>> > is running something to open that after it goes through .emacs???  or
>>> is that just a behavior that
>>> > is going to occur?
>>> >
>>> Add
>>>  (setq inhibit-splash-screen t)
>>> to your .emacs and see if that solves your problem. You might also need
>>> one
>>> of the packages that can restore a saved window configuration on startup
>>> if you have complicated goings-on.
>>> Nick
> --
> Filippo A. Salustri, Ph.D., P.Eng.
> Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
> Ryerson University
> 350 Victoria St, Toronto, ON
> M5B 2K3, Canada
> Tel: 416/979-5000 ext 7749
> Fax: 416/979-5265
> Email:

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