On 27.3.2011, at 20:55, Manish wrote:

> On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 8:21 PM, Julian Burgos wrote:
>> Thanks.  Using x is good enough for now.  I´ll explore also Michael´s
>> suggestions.  It would be good to have the agenda open in a buffer
>> without having all the agenda files opened too.
> Following code should do what you want (I think).
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
> ;; function code copied from definition of org-agenda-exit
>  (add-hook 'org-finalize-agenda-hook
>            (lambda ()
>              (interactive)
>              (org-release-buffers org-agenda-new-buffers)
>              (setq org-agenda-new-buffers nil)))
> #+end_src

This will make the agenda disfunctional.  Each line in the agenda contains a 
pointer to the entry the line was derived from, so remote editing etc will stop 

Exiting with "x" is the much better solution.


- Carsten

> -- 
> Manish
>> On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 2:21 PM, Michael Markert
>> <markert.mich...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> On 27 Mar 2011, Bernt Hansen wrote:
>>>> Julian Burgos <jmbur...@uw.edu> writes:
>>>>> Dear list,
>>>>> When asking for an agenda view (C-c a), org mode opens all files in
>>>>> the agenda list in individual buffers.  I keep lots of files in my
>>>>> list (one per project), so having all those buffers open each time I
>>>>> visit my agenda is pretty annoying.  Is there a way to make org mode
>>>>> not open each file in a buffer (or close the buffers after reading the
>>>>> file) when asking for an agenda view?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Julian
>>>> Hi Julian,
>>>> I think 'e' in the agenda is supposed to exit the agenda and close
>>>> automatically opened agenda files.
>>> It's `x'. But I think Julian meant that the buffers should be closed
>>> automatically and not open at least as long as the agenda is shown.
>>> For the original issue I think the following would help:
>>> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>>> (defun project-agenda (&optional args keys restriction)
>>> (interactive)
>>> (let ((org-agenda-files '("~/project-file1"
>>>                           "~/project-file2")))
>>>   (org-agenda args keys restriction)))
>>> #+end_src
>>> Or pressing `<' in the prompt buffer, for more see (describe-function
>>> 'org-agenda)
>>> Michael
>> --
>> Julian Mariano Burgos
>> Hafrannsóknastofnunin/Marine Research Institute
>> Skúlagata 4, 121 Reykjavà k, Iceland
>> SÃ mi/Telephone : +354-5752037
>> Bréfsà mi/Telefax:  +354-5752001
>> Netfang/Email: jul...@hafro.is, jmbur...@uw.edu

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