Cool! Thanks for this. I understand the Fireforg project provides part of this functionality (integrated with Zotero), but this free-standing tool looks helpful. Three quick comments:

- I tried to just put this on my load path and require it, but there seems to be a name conflict with the existing org-bibtex.el, which provides for BibTeX links.

- Trying to create a book type entry, I get prompted only for `:editor', not for `:author'.

- Fireforg namespaces the property names with a `BIB_', e.g. `:BIB_author:', and some people might find that useful as an option.

- I'd find it helpful with a user option for org-bibtex-fleshout to prompt for optional fields as well.


On 4/20/11 1:52 AM, Eric Schulte wrote:

In an attempt to organize my reading notes, I've written the following
tool which allows both for exporting Org-mode headlines with bibtex
meta-data to bibtex entries, and for reading existing bibtex entries
into Org-mode headings.

One nice feature of these functions is the ability to check that all
required fields are present in a given headline based on the bibtex type
(e.g., :article, :inproceedings), and prompt for missing fields.

See the top of the elisp file for more usage information.

Cheers -- Eric

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