Aankhen <aank...@gmail.com> writes:

> Greetings,
> Given an Org file with clocking data, is there a way to generate a
> timesheet?  This would complement the clock table by focusing on the
> timings rather than the headings.
> As I haven’t come across anything like this as yet, I’ll try to give
> an example (manually-created) to show what I mean, in case someone
> more familiar with Org can tell me something about it:
> ,----[ Org tree ]
> | * Foo
> |   :CLOCK:
> |   CLOCK: [2011-04-19 Tue 18:50]--[2011-04-19 Tue 20:30] =>  1:40
> |   CLOCK: [2011-04-18 Mon 20:15]--[2011-04-18 Mon 21:00] =>  0:45
> |   CLOCK: [2011-04-21 Thu 01:03]--[2011-04-21 Thu 02:03] =>  1:00
> |   :END:
> |   CLOCK: [2011-04-19 Tue 12:30]--[2011-04-19 Tue 18:06] =>  5:36
> |
> |
> | *** Bar
> |     :CLOCK:
> |     CLOCK: [2011-04-19 Tue 18:06]--[2011-04-19 Tue 18:50] =>  0:44
> |     CLOCK: [2011-04-22 Fri 01:00]--[2011-04-22 Fri 01:05] =>  0:05
> |     :END:
> |
> | *** Baz
> |     :CLOCK:
> |     CLOCK: [2011-04-21 Thu 03:10]--[2011-04-21 Thu 04:00] =>  0:50
> |     :END:
> `----
> (Please ignore the very strange timings.  I just threw together
> whatever I could for the sake of the example. :-)
> The table:
> #+BEGIN: timesheet :group day :scope subtree :block thisweek
> Timesheet
> | Entry            | Time    |       |
> |------------------+---------+-------|
> | *2011-40-18 Mon* | *00:45* |       |
> |  20:15–21:00     |         | 00:45 |
> | *2011-04-19 Tue* | *08:00* |       |
> |  12:30–20:30     |         | 08:00 |
> | *2011-04-21 Thu* | *01:50* |       |
> |  01:03–02:03     |         | 01:00 |
> |  03:10–04:00     |         | 00:50 |
> | *2011-04-22 Fri* | *01:00* |       |
> |  01:00–01:05     |         | 01:05 |
> |------------------+---------+-------|
> | Total            | 11:35   |       |
> #+END:
> As you can see, each day with any time clocked gets one entry in the
> table.  Underneath that entry are all the non-contiguous blocks of
> time clocked in during that day.  Clocked times from subtrees are
> summed up and subsumed by their parents, so in the example given,
> there is one single contiguous block from 12:30 to 20:30 on Tuesday,
> whereas there are two entries for the non-contiguous blocks on
> Thursday.
> I really have no idea where to begin in order to obtain this sort of
> report, if it is even possible.  Any pointers would be most
> appreciated!

Hi Aankhen,

There is no functionality that produces the table in your timesheet
example that I am aware of.  Personally I use the agenda view with log
mode enabled for clock lines and limited to some interesting tags and a
summary report with C-u R.  I then manually transfer the data to another
system for timesheet reporting.  I just visit each day in the timesheet
range to get the details I want.

You can generate daily reports with something like this

#+BEGIN: clocktable :maxlevel 2 :scope agenda :fileskip0 t :step day :block 

which gives a separate table per day but it doesn't include the time


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