On 4/26/11 Apr 26 -4:52 PM, Nick Dokos wrote:
> Robert Goldman <rpgold...@sift.info> wrote:
>> I was trying to make an index in latex export and found that it was very
>> difficult to make it work.  I wonder if this could be simplified.
>> Here's what I had to do:
>> 2.  put in \index commands (I don't /believe/ #+INDEX works, but I could
>> be wrong)

Am I right about #+INDEX not being translated in the latex back end (it
seems not to work, but it's hard to verify a negative)?

If so, would this be hard to fix?  If it wouldn't, seems like that would
be A Good Thing.

>> 4.  Modify the org-latex-to-pdf-process to
>> ("pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f" "makeindex
>> -o %b.ind %b.idx" "pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory
>> %o %f" "pdflatex -interaction nonstopmode -output-directory %o %f")
>> [This was /somewhat/ of a big deal.  Suggest we add support for indexing
>> as a built-in option, like bibtex...]
> Maybe you can try the texi2dvi option (I think it runs makeindex), but
> texi2dvi did have a bug that has caused problems here in the past:
> that's the reason it's not the default setting for
> org-latex-to-pdf-process. If you run into the bug but still want to try
> texi2dvi anyway, see
>   http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-texinfo/2010-03/msg00032.html
> for the fix Karl Berry applied to the development sources.

Once one has makeindex hacked in there (oh, and you've broken the
security!), it works fine, thanks.
>> 5.  The REAL big deal:  edit my texmf.cf file to break the security
>> protection of openout_any=p.  By default, makeindex will refuse to open
>> an absolute pathname.  But org-mode will only pass absolute pathnames to
>> makeindex (AFAICT).  Question:  it seems like bibtex should suffer from
>> this same restriction.  Has anyone had that problem with it?
> I haven't had the problem, primarily because I haven't used bibtex
> through org yet :-) But bibtex should exhibit the same problem: the
> bibtex change predated the makeindex one. Maybe bibtex is only called
> with a relative path (if that's the case, then the same method should
> cure makeindex as well). BTW, ".." is not allowed in the relative path:
> you can only use subdirectories of the current directory.
> Nick

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