On 4/29/11 Apr 29 -11:44 AM, Thomas S. Dye wrote:
> Aloha Robert,
> Yep.  It should be "One of these, amssymb, requires amsmath, which
> conflicts with several LaTeX fonts."

I don't /believe/ amssymb requires amsmath.  I have been working on a
document where I wanted to use some of the stuff in amsmath (e.g.,
\text, align environment).  That document did /not/ parse, even though
amssymb *is* in the preamble of the exported file.  I looked, and the
preamble has amssymb, but not amsmath.

It would be *great* if someone could provide tutorial information that
would tell us:

1.  How do we configure a file so that it *can* use amsmath?
2.  What happens to the parallel HTML export if we use amsmath
constructs in an org file?


> Thanks for pointing this out.
> All the best,
> Tom
> On Apr 29, 2011, at 6:26 AM, Robert Goldman wrote:
>> The document http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-latex-export.html
>> claims
>> "The Org-mode LaTeX exporter uses several packages to support special
>> characters used by org-entities. One of these, amsmath, conflicts with
>> several LaTeX fonts. If you want finer control over which packages are
>> loaded, then it makes sense to define an export class like this in
>> .emacs:"
>> But I just checked the results of exporting one of my org files, and it
>> does /not/ use amsmath.
>> Is this a bug in the tutorial?

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