On 4/24/2011 1:44 PM, Nicolas Goaziou wrote:

amscopub-m...@yahoo.com writes:

#+MACRO: start #+BEGIN_HTML\n<mydiv>  \n#+END_HTML
#+MACRO: end  #+BEGIN_HTML\n</mydiv>  \n#+END_HTML

* Hello world

  1. Item 1


Anyway, the above code worked fine in 7.4. Then I upgraded to 7.5 and
I now have literally hundreds of these broken lists.
I've pushed a fix for that problem, along with a better handling of
macros within lists. Your example is now exported correctly. Please tell
me if more complex macros still lead to errors.

Thank you for reporting this problem.


Thanks. As soon as I finish the current project, I will upgrade and let you know.

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