Another thing: I'm considering setting the commit cron job to every
hour. So, every hour I would have a fresh copy of org pushed to my
dropbox volume.

I forgot to share the (I don't  usually program in bash, so
bear with me :)):

  1 DAYW=$(date | cut -d" " -f 1)
  2 NOW=$(date +"%d-%m-%Y-%r")
  4 cd ~/org
  5 git add .
  6 git commit -a -m "$DAYW-$NOW"
  7 git push



On Sun, May 1, 2011 at 12:29 AM, Marcelo de Moraes Serpa
<> wrote:
> Hi list,
> I just would like to share the approach I use (just finished setting
> it up) to backup org.
> I keep all my org files on ~/org/*. This is also a git repo. Every
> night at 12:00AM, a cron job will run a sh script that will:
> 1) Commit with the current date ( Sat-30-04-2011-11:43:28 PM for example);
> 2) push to origin.
> It's simpler than other solution such as backupninja (that I don't if
> would work on dropbox) and keeps also a revision history (per day).
> Here's the remote configuration for git.
>  8 [remote "origin"]
>  9   url = /Users/myname/Dropbox/org
>  10   fetch = refs/heads/master:refs/heads/origin
> Another thing I should point out is that I'm using (the excellent)
> org-crypt to encrypt sensitive information such as bank accounts data
> and passwords.
> Also, I'm using TimeMachine to backup to an external hard-drive. Time
> machine is not the most efficient of backup solutions but "just
> works". I'll see if I can setup backupninja to backup to Dropbox as
> well, if so, I might switch to that.
> Hope might useful for someone out there :)
> Cheers,
> Marcelo.

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