On Mon, May 02, 2011 at 02:42:41PM +0200, Piter_ wrote:
> Hi all.
> I use org-mode for making note while reading articles.
> Sometimes I want to insert picture into notes. Now it takes to much
> time. I have to copy paste it into picture editor, save it and than
> make a link to it.
> I would like to do it in other way. Copy picture into clipboard (from
> pdf reader for example), and than run a function in emacs which will
> ask for file name, save the picture from clipboard into preset folder
> and insert link into org file for it.
> I have found those links.
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1868734/how-to-copy-to-clipboard-with-x11
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3571179/how-does-x11-clipboard-handle-multiple-data-formats
> About handling clipboard images from python.
> I think it is possible to write a simple python script which can save
> clipboard picture into file, and than some lisp function which do all
> I described above using this script.
> Unfortunately I dont know  python and lisp on level which allow me to
> do it fast end easy. So I ask if someone can do it. I think it would
> be useful addition for org-mode. May be even someone have implemented
> it, or made another work arround  this problem.
> Thanks.
> Petro.
> P.S. Sorry if you get two copies of request. I had some troubles with
> sending it and may sent two versions of this mail.

There was a discussion with a working solution not long ago for taking
screenshots and inserting them into org automatically.


I suspect the code is on worg.


Russell Adams                            rlad...@adamsinfoserv.com

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