
can somebody help me in setting up the Docbook export? 

My OS is Windows XP with Cygwin installed. 

Org-mode creates the Docbook xml file, but thinks it doesn't exist when
org-mode wants to process it.

See the below extract of the Messages buffer. 
Any clue why this happens? 

Why is fop.bat looking for fo file 
 ("e:\home\pub_html\" should NOT be TWICE in the filename) 

Thanks in advance! 

Extract of the Messages buffer: 
Exporting to PDF...
Using schema c:/Usr/emacs/etc/schema/docbook.rnc
Saving file e:/home/pub_html/EERS.logic.xml...
Wrote e:/home/pub_html/EERS.logic.xml
DocBook export done, pushed to kill ring and clipboard
Processing DocBook XML file...
Source file e\:\home\pub_html\EERS.logic.xml does not exist
Processing DocBook file...done
org-export-as-docbook-pdf: PDF file was not produced

This is my setting of the relevant variables: 
org-export-docbook-xslt-proc-command = "java com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet 
    -o %o %i %s  paper.type=A4 use.extensions=1 fop1.extensions=1"
org-export-docbook-xsl-fo-proc-command = "fop.bat -fo %i -pdf %o"
org-export-docbook-xslt-stylesheet = 
org-export-publishing-directory = "~/pub_html"

In Shell Command Output buffer, I also get the following error message: 
e:\Usr\xml\fop-0.95\fop.bat -fo e\:/home/pub_html/EERS.logic.fo 
   -pdf e\:/home/pub_html/EERS.logic.pdf 

Fop [options] [-fo|-xml] infile [-xsl file] [-awt|-pdf|-mif|-rtf|-tiff|-png
   |-pcl|-ps|-txt|-at [mime]|-print] <outfile>


4 mai 2011 15:39:52 org.apache.fop.cli.Main startFOP
GRAVE: Exception
   Error: fo file e:\home\pub_html\e\:\home\pub_html\EERS.logic.fo not found 

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