Samuel Wales <> writes:

> On 2011-05-25, Bernt Hansen <> wrote:
>> Trying to reuse the current session with an org-reload probably won't
>> work well for the general case.
> Perhaps it will work for the cases for which org-reload was designed.
>>> By the way, I am having trouble loading source with c-u c-c c-x ! .  I
>>> notice that some commands, such as m-s-right, are still compiled.
>> I have no idea what is going on here.
> Org-reload is broken for me and so is loading of *.el.  I think
> org-reload should error when it cannot load a file, and ideally all
> files would be loadable in any order.  Don't know if this is possible.
>  If org-reload has no use, perhaps org-reload should be deleted?  But
> a restart of Emacs is very slow for every git checkout.

I use M-x org-reload regularly when upgrading org-mode (instead of
restarting Emacs).

org-reload is great for moving forwards in the org-mode git history (to
newer commits) without restarting Emacs.  It's when you go backwards
(removing new functionality and definitions) that things get a bit
hairy since your current emacs lisp environment will have a mixture of
new and old definitions.

org-reload now just gets a list of files and loads them sequentially.

The function could probably be enhanced to check the status of the load
function call and doing something useful when it fails -- but that needs
to be thought out.  Carsten originally wrote this function and he may
have more thoughts about this.


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