Rasmus Pank Roulund <rasmus.p...@gmail.com> writes: >> I am sorry I have no solution for you just now. >> This behavior you're seeking is something I long for as well, to >> insert a this frame only custom background, to be precise. > > So many great things can be put in-between > > \end{frame} > ... > \begin{frame} > > in Beamer.... > >> The issue lies in the org-beamer.el way of divvying up the file into >> frames (if memory servers me, it's the org-beamer-sectioning function, >> but I can be mistaken), it's a big function that handles most of >> org-beamers functionality. For the behavior that we seek we need to >> implement a function that can encapsulate the \begin{frame} >> ... \end{frame} code. However, this is not trivial. > > Yeah, I gussed it was something like that.. > > However, maybe something like to the following could be implemented. > I note the following in my file: > > > ** Frame > ... > > #+latex_beamer_outside_frame: \againframe<2>{overview.fig} %(1) > > ** Next frame
[...] Depending on whether you use beamer for both presentation and for handouts, I can give you a kludge that should work for presentation only: --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8--- ** Previous frame text here #+begin_latex \end{frame} \againframe<2>{overview.fig} \begin{frame}<handout> #+end_latex ** Following frame --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8--- Very fragile... and untested! This won't work if the previous frame has blocks or unterminated lists unfortunately. An alternative, and likely more workable, solution would be to do some post-processing using one of org's hooks (org-export-latex-final-hook maybe with a check for org-beamer-export-is-beamer-p?) to catch some special tags you put in and insert the appropriate latex code yourself. This would require some elisp... -- : Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs : using Org-mode version 7.5 (release_7.5.323.gd1f33)