Hi Darlan,

Darlan Cavalcante Moreira wrote:
> A nice feature of the org-agenda is the possibility to define two letter
> combinations for the custom commands. From the manual I could not see how to
> do this with org-capture and I'm guessing it is not possible right now.

It already is... See an example below, with the helper function I defined for

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
          (defun my/org-capture-template (keys description file headline)
            "Create template for captured elements."
            `(,keys ,description entry
                    (file+headline ,file ,headline)
                    "* %^{Title}
   :Created: %:date-timestamp-inactive

>From %a"
                    :empty-lines 1))

... for avoiding repetitive skeleton:

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
          (setq org-capture-templates
                `(;; notes
                  ("N" "Templates adding notes")
                    "Ne" "Emacs" "~/Public/Notes-on-Emacs.txt" "Notes")
                 ;; [...]
                    "No" "Org" "~/Public/Notes-on-Org.txt" "Notes")))

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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