Hi Jason,

On Jun 16, 2011, at 8:44 PM, Jason Dunsmore wrote:

> Carsten Dominik <carsten.domi...@gmail.com> writes:
>> On 4.5.2011, at 14:30, Leo wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I have one template as follows
>>> ("n" "Notes" entry (file "Notes.org") "* %?\n  %i" :prepend t)
>>> Every time I `C-c C-k' to abort the capture, a blank line is inserted at
>>> the front of file Notes.org.
>> Hi Leo,
>> I am unable to reproduce this.  I do get an empty line the first time,
>> but when the empty line is already there, then there is no problem.
>> Do you find the insertion of this one empty line a problem?
> It's a significant problem for me.  I still use org-remember because 1)
> org-capture inserts an extra blank line

Do you also mean at the beginning of the file, or elsewhere?

> and 2) canceling a capture
> doesn't work for some reason - I get the following message:
> "org-capture-finalize: Capture process aborted, but target buffer could not 
> be cleaned up correctly"

can you make a minimal example to demonstrate this issue?
I would like to fix it.

> Both of these issues cause me to do manual clean up following every
> capture.
> Please let me know if there are fixes/workarounds for these issues.  I'd
> like to finally make the switch to org-capture.

> Regards,
> Jason

- Carsten

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