This is very exciting. I use LilyPond a lot for various projects and I
think integration with orgmode is an obvious solution to a problem I
hope to find very soon!

LilyPond is largely written in Scheme and I'm pretty sure a few of the
devs use emacs. There are some interesting emacs/Lily projects around,
not least Nicolas Sceaux' lyqi-mode which does some pretty groovy
things, including midi keyboard input via rumor.

I'm looking forward to having a chance to play with this. Well done,
and thank you!

Cameron Horsburgh

On 28 June 2011 19:38, Martyn Jago <> wrote:
> Hi Eric
>> Eric Schulte <schulte.eric <at>> writes:
>> Hi Martyn,
>> This looks great, I look forward to testing it out, although my music
>> composition experience is limited to using Finale in a high-school music
>> theory class.
>> It sounds like your plan is to keep this on github during the first
>> trial and debugging stages.  At some point I would love to include this
>> into the Org-mode core.
> Thanks - I'm no LilyPond expert myself, and so a heads-up from a more
> proficient LilyPond user would be great. Likewise the ins and outs of
> LilyPond-mode. That said, it is working well for me and my use-case, and
> it is great to be generating music and score out of org-mode - it feels a
> good fit, which is testament to the flexability of org-babel and org-mode.
>> Part of me is tempted to push for immediate integration so that this is
>> released with Emacs24 (we could push bug fixes throughout the fall),
>> however this may be too much code for just before an Org-mode release.
>> Thanks for sharing! -- Eric
> I'll leave that decision to you, but certainly if the software is useful
> to others, I am happy to see it distributed. Actually, I only recently
> discovered how busy Lilypond development is, so there must be potential
> users out there. Perhaps I should bite the bullet and approach the Lilypond
> user mailing list to see if there is any interest there?
> Regards
> Martyn
>> Martyn Jago <martyn.jago <at>> writes:
> <...>

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