
I'm very excited about this project!  However it doesn't seem to work?

Calling M-x cfw:open-calendar-buffer results in:
  let: Symbol's function definition is void: cfw:create-calendar-buffer

It seems that this function isn't defined anywhere?

I'm running off of git master.

SAKURAI Masashi <m.saku...@kiwanami.net> writes:

> Michael Markert <markert.michael <at> googlemail.com> writes:
>> On 4 Jul 2011, Kan-Ru Chen wrote:
>> > Michael Markert <markert.michael <at> googlemail.com> writes:
>> > :
>> > I just find this emacs-calfw project today.
>> >
>> > https://github.com/kiwanami/emacs-calfw
>> >
>> > It looks very interesting and supports org!
>> Indeed. Not quite what I was looking for but interesting nonetheless.
>> What I miss:
>> - It lacks some org support (e.g. org-contacts anniversaries -- they
>>   look horrible)
>> - a week view
>> - a time grid
> Just yesterday in JST, I released calfw v1.0.
> I will write and append the documents.
> In the latest version (v1.0), this program can display
> the 1, 2 week view and daily view. Key bindings are following:
> - M Monthly view
> - W 1 week view
> - T 2 week view
> - D Daily view
> And, pushing SPC key, a daily view is displayed, like the Quicklook in Mac.
> The handling of the time grid is a new task.
> Because the calfw is designed with focusing on the replacement of the 
> calendar.el, I should consider the extending schedule data.
> I have not used orgmode so far, so I'm not good at the schedule management in 
> the orgmode. Comments and patches are welcome.
> --
> SAKURAI Masashi

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