Stefan Nobis <> wrote:

> Nick Dokos <> writes:
> > Here are some points to keep in mind while working on a patch:
> > o csquotes.sty is part of the texlive-latex-extra package on Ubuntu
> >   (and probably something similar on other Linux distros and
> >   possibly MacOS X - hunoz about Windoz?)
> On MacOS the MacTeX distribution is quite common and in this case a
> complete TeXLive (including csquotes) is installed.
> On Windows MikTeX is probably the defacto standard and IIRC it
> supports installing packages on demand (I'm not sure wether csquotes
> is included in the basic installation, but on the other hand I would
> assume that a complete installation is not uncommen).

OK, that's good.

> But another suggestion:
> Always use \enquote for quotations in the exported text. In the
> preambel of the document either include csquotes or provide a simple
> macro enquote like the very simple
>   \newcommand{\enquote}[1]{``#1''}
> Maybe a bit more hackery might be needed for some special cases, but
> with this approach it would be quite easy to change quotations styles
> later on.

Not too thrilled about this: the current handling for the bare-bones
default case works OK and it could be easily extended to handle the csquotes

I'd worry a bit about adding the newcommand in the preamble during org
processing: what would happen if I tried to use csquotes then? Would I
get a conflict? Would I have unpredictable situations where sometimes
I'd get the bare-bones definition and sometimes the csquotes one? All of
these can be answered of course, but the point is that you can't leave
it to accident.

> BTW: IMHO babel and csquotes should be considered standard packages
> for all non-US texts (and even for US texts they have some
> advantages).



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