Hi Christian,

Christian Zang <christian.z...@wzw.tum.de> writes:

> despite carefully reading the manual and trying out some approaches so
> far I could not figure out whether or not it is possible to have a
> custom agenda view based on a header's properties. 

The manual is great, but its always a good idea to also check out
Worg. In this case, have a look at:


>            ((tags "+REVIEW=weekly") ;; this does not work...

             (tags "+REVIEW=\"weekly\"") ;; not tested, but should do

Should such an example be in the manual (node (org) Storing searches ) ?

> Thanks for any comment on that; the search on gmane appears to be
> currently broken, so I couldn't figure out if someone asked something
> similar before.

Yes. Not sure whats happening there, but several people saw that

When gmane is non functional (this is the first time in years this 
happened for me, though), 


come in handy.


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