> Hi
> If I use my agenda views, what happens is that the screen is always split in
two buffers. I would like to have my
> agenda views without splitting the windows. Is there an option for this?
> Another question: I tried to define my column views with width for the
specific columns. It is however hard
> to get the column headers in line with the columns. Is there a trick for this?
> TASK               |  EFFORT |                          <-heading
> Have dinner                           |    1:00    | <- entry
> Instead of 
> TASK                                |  EFFORT |         <-heading
> Have dinner                         | 1:00    |          <- entry
> Thanks
> Renger

Renger van Nieuwkoop <renger <at> ecoplan.ch> writes:

I solved the first problem and edited the second one (see above)

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