Hi Anders,

Anders Waldenborg <and...@0x63.nu> writes:

> On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 09:22:57PM +0200, Bastien wrote:
>> Org has `C-x n s' to narrow to a subtree.
> Right. The difference is that aw-org-pw re-narrows when navigating to
> a different section. Maybe that is a feature that would be useful
> directly in org instead. Maybe pre/post-link-follow hooks could do
> that?

Mmhh.. do you really use this often?  I mean: it's quite useful to work
from a wide buffer when navigating -- narrowing is just for quickly
focusing on something.  (But maybe I should rather test your file and
see how useful it can be.)

> Also aw-org-pw autowidens on isearch. (the reason for that is that when
> used as a personal wiki each section should be small, so searching is
> seldom required within a section, and searching the full "wiki" is
> more useful).

Okay - since narrowing in Org is not that frequent and Org files can 
be very large, I guess it's better to *not* auto-widen on isearch.

> But the more I think about it maybe I should just use [[...]] as it
> would greatly simplify the implementation.


> Thanks for your input!

You're welcome,


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