
but there is one interesting aspect missing. If I want to evaluate the blocks and see the results but e.g.

a) send it to someone without the results (to let him create his own)
b) archive them without having possible huge amount of lines of results which can be reproduced any time by executing the block again.
c) to delete all the old results and start "fresh"

A function to remove all results might become handy.
Sometimes I find it quite difficult to see if a source-code block execute at all and if the results are "up-to-date" or still rather old results. Sure there is the message in the mini-buffer but its quickly overlooked or removed by a key-press.

Actually, I would prefer that "old" results are deleted at the very first step, then the source code block should be executed and finally results are printed again. Its simply to dangerous to overlook that some results might not be updated after all because something might went silently wrong within the execution.

Another idea would be to add a timestamp making the last time of successful execution clear, which might be nice for many different other reasons.

#+results: [2011-07-28 Thu 21:15] ;; huh, no seconds in org-mode ?!



On 07/28/2011 05:31 PM, Stephen Eglen wrote:
Is there an easy way to delete all the #+results: blocks that have been
generated as the result of running org mode blocks?  e.g. If I have the
following chunk:

#+begin_src R
round(runif(n=5, min=0, max=1), 3)

| 0.435 |
| 0.884 |
| 0.219 |
| 0.748 |
| 0.532 |

I'd like the results table to be deleted, but not the code chunk.


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