Thank you guys! Awesome release. Hope to be able to contribute soon,
currently getting my head around elisp and the org mode source.

@Bastien enjoy your vacation... post some pictures!



On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 9:33 AM, Michael C Gilbert <> wrote:

> On Jul 28, 2011, at 3:47 AM, Bastien wrote:
> > Allow relative time when scheduling/adding a deadline
> > ======================================================
> >
> > You can now use relative duration strings like "-2d" or "++3w"
> > when calling =org-schedule= or =org-deadline=: it will schedule
> > (or set the deadline for) the item respectively two days before
> > today and three weeks after the current timestamp, if any.
> >
> > You can use this programmatically: =(org-schedule nil "+2d")=
> > will work on the current entry.
> >
> > You can also use this while (bulk-)rescheduling and
> > (bulk-)resetting the deadline of (several) items from the agenda.
> >
> > Thanks to Memnon Anon for a heads up about this!
> Thank you to both Memnon and Bastien. This feature alone has already made a
> difference to me and my colleagues.
> Orgmode and its contributors continue to astound me.
> — Michael
> Nonprofit News

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