I have a custom view that I'm exporting to a text file and then
displaying on my wallpaper with conky. I noticed that if I actually
have emacs open and a file is autosaved but not saved "for real," then
the exported text file is blank. I use this command in cron:

| emacs -batch -l ~/.emacs -eval '(org-batch-agenda "w")' >

I ran this from the command line after noticing the cron job was
coming up empty, and saw the error:

| ...file.org locked by jwhendy... (pid 27250): (s, q, p, ?)?

If I saved the offending file, it re-ran fine. As soon as enough time
elapsed to generate an auto-save (I'm assuming), it failed again. Any
suggestions on how to proceed? For example, I though of:

1) writing a script that could handle the failure and leave the
current agenda exported text file if it happened
2) a way to respond to the emacs query (not sure what s, p, q, ? do)

Anything else that would work? If it's frozen and "not safe" to run
this command while a file is open/being modified, then just aborting
and leaving the status quot in the text file is what I'd like to do.


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