Eric Schulte <> writes:

> (Thomas S. Dye) writes:
>> Aloha all,
>> I'm trying, partially successfully, to configure org-bibtex so it mimics
>> some useful features of ebib.  In particular, I'm wanting to add several
>> optional fields that ebib uses.
>> I have this in .emacs:
>> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle yes
>>   (dolist (type org-bibtex-types)
>>     (push :url (cdr (assoc :optional (cdr type))))
>>     (push :annote (cdr (assoc :optional (cdr type))))
>>     (push :abstract (cdr (assoc :optional (cdr type))))
>>     (push :keywords (cdr (assoc :optional (cdr type))))
>>     (push :file (cdr (assoc :optional (cdr type))))
>> )
>>   (push (cons :url "A URL for the reference") org-bibtex-fields)
>>   (push (cons :annote "Annotation is typically not exported") 
>> org-bibtex-fields)
>>   (push (cons :abstract "Abstract for annotated bibliography") 
>> org-bibtex-fields)
>>   (push (cons :keywords "Keywords for sorting with ebib") org-bibtex-fields)
>>   (push (cons :file "A local file path used by ebib to open the
>>   reference in an appropriate application") org-bibtex-fields)
>> #+end_src
>> Most of it works fine, but the optional :file field doesn't respect its
>> argument.  So, the following entry in the Org-mode file:
> Hi Tom,
> The :file property is treated in a special manner when Org-mode resolves
> properties (notice it is an element of the `org-special-properties'
> variable).  I've just pushed up a change which temporarily removes :file
> from this list while resolving bibtex entries.  This change should fix
> your reported problem -- please let me know if it doesn't.  If any other
> elements of `org-special-properties' seem likely to cause problems we
> can temporarily remove them as well.
> Best -- Eric

Hi Eric,

I think this fix is causing some mischief.  In the Org-mode file where
a :FILE: property is set to preza-thesis.pdf R source code blocks
misbehave, as follows:

#+source: land-sale-plot
#+begin_src R :var y=sales

#+results: land-sale-plot

All the best,

>> ** Active Documents with Org-mode
>>    :TITLE:    Active Documents with Org-mode
>>    :TYPE:     article
>>    :AUTHOR:   Eric Schulte and Dan Davison
>>    :JOURNAL:  Computing in Science and Engineering
>>    :YEAR:     2011
>>    :VOLUME:   13
>>    :NUMBER:   3
>>    :PAGES:    2--9
>>    :MONTH:    May/June
>>    :URL:
>>    :FILE:     Schulte-Davison-Babel.pdf
>>    :CUSTOM_ID: schulte11:_activ_docum_org
>>    :END:
>> is exported with org-bibtex like this:
>> @article{schulte11:_activ_docum_org,
>>   author =       {Eric Schulte and Dan Davison},
>>   title =        {Active Documents with Org-mode},
>>   journal =      {Computing in Science and Engineering},
>>   year =         2011,
>>   file =         {/Users/dk/Public/projects/916-rr/},
>>   url =
>>   {},
>>   volume =       13,
>>   number =       3,
>>   pages =        {2--9},
>>   month =        {May/June}
>> }
>> Pressing f in ebib now just takes me back to the Org-mode file, rather
>> than launching a pdf reader on my local copy of the article.
>> Any ideas how I can achieve my goal?
>> All the best,
>> Tom

Thomas S. Dye

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