Hi all,

András Major wrote:
>> > I'm fully aware of that, but that also messes up the spacing between
>> > sentences.  My proposed solution should be robust enough to be
>> > more-or-less foolproof yet produce nice-looking output.
>> What is nice-looking is a matter of personal taste. Personally, I tend
>> to prefer everything close-set, as with \frenchspacing, although that
> For that, you can use \frenchspacing in the latex header.
>> If you _do_ want to keep the wider inter-sentence spacing, then you
>> also need to worry about sentences that end with upper-case letters.
> True, but that is, in my experience, a very rare thing to happen.  In
> all the years of writing documents in (La)TeX, I don't think I've had
> a single occurrence of this case.  You can, of course, make the export
> code even more sophisticated and check for this case and adapt the
> output accordingly.  Then the only rule for the user to remember would
> be as simple as this: single space in org maps to inter-word space in
> the output, double space maps to inter-sentence space.

The problem is that this rule can be true, and certainly is, in English. But
French typing conventions require those space before/after punctuation

    | symobl | before | after |
    | ,      |      0 |     1 |
    | .      |      0 |     1 |
    | :      |      1 |     1 |
    | !      |      1 |     2 |
    | ?      |      1 |     2 |

for the most commons.

Hence, in French, there is never a double space inserted after a sentence
period -- well for exclamation or interrogation marks.

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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