On Sun, Aug 21 2011, Carsten Dominik wrote:

> On 21.8.2011, at 15:17, Bernt Hansen wrote:
>> Eric Abrahamsen <e...@ericabrahamsen.net> writes:
>>> Am I wrong, or is there no way to filter what is shown in the
>>> weekly/daily agenda view? I'm creating custom agendas with multiple
>>> blocks, and would like to apply the same tags/match filter to the daily
>>> agenda as I do to the TODO blocks below it. Can that be done?
> This might be a problem with an older version of Org-mode, but we have no idea
> what your version is, Eric.
> - Carsten

Ah, sorry -- stupid oversight: Org-mode version 7.7
(release_7.7.160.g3e33). Should be yesterday.

I'm using plain elisp to create custom agenda views (the customize
interface is hard to look at). Here's the simplest thing I started with:

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      '(("p" "Personal agenda plus mail"
         ((agenda "-CATEGORY=\"pr\"")
          (tags "TODO=\"EMAIL\"-CATEGORY=\"pr\"")))))

The "tags" section filters correctly, but the agenda doesn't. This
probably isn't the correct way to do it, but the examples in the
manual don't show how. Bernt's pointer about dynamic filtering of an
existing agenda view works, of course, but I'm trying to have it start
out filtered.


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