On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 8:14 AM, zwz <zhangwe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Those days I came across two tools which I thought interesting and
> helpful if could be combined with org-export in some way.
> 1. Deck.js: a js lib for making modern html presentation. See
> http://imakewebthings.github.com/deck.js/#intro for more info.
I would really like to see an exporter for this, in part because
Drupal integration for deck.js is underway.  We already have several
html5 presentation modes described on worg:

but there are lots of html5 methods out there; here are some resources:

so here are a couple of questions:

- is one of these frameworks better than/easier to work with than the
others? Can any of them be shared on slideshare or another archiving
- can we standardize on a feature-rich exporter and start building a
useful interface to it (e.g., on e that allows users to specify
transitions & so forth in a property)?
- what would be the best starting point for a new exporter?
Jambunathan has the generic html exporter, surely that could be a
starting point? But the simple html5presentation exporter (see link
above) produces pretty good presentations already.

Anyway, I'm very glad to see these possibilities emerging in recent
months. I'm  looking forward to the end of powerpoint! If I never have
to use OOo Present again it'll be too soon...


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