does anyone have any advice on the following: I'm thinking I would
like to collapse certain segments of a document when exporting to
HTML, so e.g., if it looks like this:

* Outline: Semester 1
** 1.<2011-09-15 Thu> [[file:./syllabus/what-is-history-for][What is
History For?]]
Why we should write history, why everyone should do it, and why that
means we need the Web.  Hacker cultures, collaborative learning,
knowledge sharing, non-expert culture.
- The Promise of Digital History]]
*** Lab:  Introduction to Wordpress & the course site.  Blogging &
social media review. Preliminary listing of potential NGO partners.

I'd like to display just this by default:

Outline: Semester 1
1. Sept. 15, 2011 What is History For

but permit viewers to click on the headline or a '+' box to see the
details. Is it possible to do this somehow, e.g. by embedding some
javascript code somewhere or something?

Really just wondering...

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