I wanted to share some CSS code that I've found useful for exported HTML 
documents.  It adds a little "R" or "sh" or "Perl" (etc.) label to the top of a 
source block.

(setq org-export-html-style
"<style type=\"text/css\">
      .src             { background-color: #F5FFF5; position: relative; 
overflow: visible; }
      .src:before      { position: absolute; top: -15px; background: #ffffff; 
padding: 1px; border: 1px solid #000000; font-size: small; }
      .src-sh:before   { content: 'sh'; }
      .src-bash:before { content: 'sh'; }
      .src-R:before    { content: 'R'; }
      .src-perl:before { content: 'Perl'; }
      .src-sql:before  { content: 'SQL'; }
      .example         { background-color: #FFF5F5; }

I got help on Stack Overflow to figure that out:  
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7192054/create-box-with-title-legend-in-css .

I stick that in my .emacs file and I get output with nice little labels.  
Hopefully someone else will find it useful too.

Ken Williams
Senior Research Scientist
Thomson Reuters

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