Carsten Dominik <> writes:


>>>> I thought using a subtree with a B_note or a
>>>> B_noteNH property would do this, in a way?
>>> Yes, I've thought this was true, but it is not, or at least I don't
>>> understand how to use it correctly.
>>> Something like
>>> ** Notes just for me                                    :B_note:
>>>   - bla bla
>>> is correctly exported as \note{Notes just for me...}, but that creates a
>>> real slide in the presentation.  I don't know how to tell beamer not to
>>> include note slides in the presentation.
>> Three alternatives:
>> \setbeameroptions{show notes}
>> \setbeameroptions{show only notes}
>> \setbeameroptions{hide notes}

Great, thanks.

> Should this information be in the docs somewhere?

Since the docs explicitly use :B_note:, I'd say that would be very


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