On 2011-09-12 11:30, Eric S Fraga wrote:
Søren Mikkelsen<sorenaamikkel...@gmail.com>  writes:


Yes, it works perfectly when I export it into latex (and thank you for
that). Just wondering if it was possible to do something similar
within org-mode; a enumerate list with a prefix, e.g.:

  R1. One
  R2. Two

Ah, now I understand.  The answer is no and I imagine it would be
difficult to define a regular expression to match such cases without
catching all kinds of lines that were not intended to be lists (e.g. the
last word in a sentence that happens to end up at the start of the

However, latex does allow you to manually over-ride any item
label/number by simply specifying your own in square brackets.  e.g.

  - [R1] one
  - [R2] two

Org passes these through to the latex properly so this should do what
you want but obviously you won't have any automated procedure for
generating these labels.

This is also a latex related question, however I think it extents the previous question. How to I make my counter of the enumeration-list start at a specific position. Like

 1. Test
 2. of

Now I have something between the two enumerations

 3. counters
 4. in a
 5. enumeration environment

In latex I would insert \setcounter{enumi}{3} after starting a enumeration environment.


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