Eric Schulte <> writes:

> (Maximilian Matthé) writes:
>> Hi guys,
>> I found a bug (or I'm doing something wrong): See this org file:
>> ****************************************
>> * 1
>> * 2
>> ** 2.1
>> ** 2.2
>> Exporting this subtree to latex (C-c C-e 1 d) raises
>> "wrong type argument: arrayp"
>> #+BEGIN_SRC python :results output :export results
>> print 1
>> print 2
>> #+END_SRC
>> #+results:
>> : 1
>> : 2
>> ****************************************
>> I can export and process the whole file to latex und pdf with no errors,
>> but when I try to export the subtree 2.2 I get the given error. What's
>> going on here?
> I just pushed up a fix for this issue.  Thanks for reporting and please
> let me know if the problem persists with the latest version of Org-mode
> from git head.
> Best -- Eric


I just pulled the new version, but now I get another error message,
here's the message lock

| Export buffer: 
| Export subtree: 
| Mark set
| Exporting to PDF...
| Exporting to LaTeX...
| Loading reftex...done
| Compiling label environment definitions...done
| Scanning entire document...
| Scanning file /home/mmatthe/temp/bla.tex
| Scanning section 1 ...
| Scanning section 2 ...
| Scanning document... done
| Applying style hooks... done
| Loading reftex...done
| org-babel-exp processing...
| Loading reftex...done
| org-babel-exp processing...
| org-babel-get-src-block-info: Wrong type argument: char-or-string-p, nil
 I attach the file I'm using (it's the same).
Regards, Max

Description: Binary data

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