Hi Eric 

Eric Schulte <schulte.e...@gmail.com> writes:

> Martyn Jago <martyn.j...@btinternet.com> writes:
> [...]
>> (ert-deftest ob-tangle/speed-command-r ()
>>   (let ((org-use-speed-commands t))
>>     (with-temp-buffer
>>       (org-mode)
>>       (insert "* Speed command")
>>       (goto-char (point-at-bol))
>>       ;; ensure default speed commands return t
>>       (should (org-speed-command-default-hook "r"))
>>       (should (org-speed-command-default-hook "n"))
>>       ;; ensure non-default speed commands return nil
>>       (should-not (org-speed-command-default-hook "z"))
>>       ;; ensure default speed commands return nil if not at bol
>>       (forward-char)
>>       (should-not (org-speed-command-default-hook "r"))
>>       ;; ensure org-metaright promotes heading
>>       (goto-char (point-at-bol))
>>       (org-metaright 1)
>>       (goto-char (point-at-bol))
>>       (should (equal "** Speed command" (buffer-string)))
>>       ;; ensure org-metaleft demotes heading
>>       (org-metaleft 1)
>>       (should (equal "* Speed command" (buffer-string))))))
> As a minor note, I just added a simple convenience macro named
> `org-test-with-temp-text' [1] which should somewhat simplify the process
> of using temporary Org-mode buffers with initial text.  Using this the
> above becomes
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>   (ert-deftest ob-tangle/speed-command-r ()
>     (let ((org-use-speed-commands t))
>       (org-test-with-temp-text "* Speed command"
>         ;; ensure default speed commands return t
>         (should (org-speed-command-default-hook "r"))
>         (should (org-speed-command-default-hook "n"))
>         ;; ensure non-default speed commands return nil
>         (should-not (org-speed-command-default-hook "z"))
>         ;; ensure default speed commands return nil if not at bol
>         (forward-char)
>         (should-not (org-speed-command-default-hook "r"))
>         ;; ensure org-metaright promotes heading
>         (goto-char (point-at-bol))
>         (org-metaright 1)
>         (goto-char (point-at-bol))
>         (should (equal "** Speed command" (buffer-string)))
>         ;; ensure org-metaleft demotes heading
>         (org-metaleft 1)
>         (should (equal "* Speed command" (buffer-string))))))
> #+end_src
> Cheers -- Eric
> Footnotes: 
> [1]  
> ,----
> | org-test-with-temp-text is a Lisp macro in `org-test.el'.
> | 
> | (org-test-with-temp-text TEXT &rest BODY)
> | 
> | Run body in a temporary buffer with Org-mode as the active
> | mode holding TEXT.  If the string "<point>" appears in TEXT
> | then remove it and place the point there before running BODY.
> `----

This looks useful, however I hit problems when refactoring my tests to
use it. Would it be easy for your macro to accept string variables in
addition to strings? 



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