
I use org to manage TODO lists in which I want to keep time stamps for
the creation of an item, and for each state change.  To be as clear as
possible, I'll just paste the portion of my config that affects how
TODOs work:

  (setq org-treat-insert-todo-heading-as-state-change t
        org-log-into-drawer t
        org-log-done nil)

  (setq org-todo-keywords
        '((sequence "TODO(t!)" "|" "DONE(d!)" "CANCELLED(c!)")))

  (setcdr (assq 'state org-log-note-headings)
          "State -> %s  %t")

This logs each state change (including creation) into the LOGBOOK
drawer.  It's great.  My feature request concerns the order in which the
notes are logged.  Each new note is inserted at the top of the drawer.
I would prefer it if they could be logged to the end of the drawer, so
that one could read all of the state changes in chronological order from
the top down.

Make sense?

Thank you,

John Foerch

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