Am 13.10.2011 15:59, schrieb Dave Abrahams:
> on Thu Oct 13 2011, Rainer Stengele <> wrote:
>> Am 13.10.2011 10:47, schrieb Rainer Stengele:
>>> Me too I sometimes run into this situation where I just want to
>>> shift past-dated items to today.
>>> I never had a use case where I wanted to shift an item from "past" to 
>>> "past+n-days<today".
>>> Rainer
>> Well, as indicated somewhere else a "C-c C-s +1" for shifting to tomorrow or 
>> "C-c C-s ."
>> for shifting to today does exactly what I wanted.
>> "The power is in the house" already.
> Yeah, it's just a question of having to think absolutely when you want
> to think incrementally.  That's a lot of keystrokes when what I want is
> to hit `f' (or something) 3 times to move the items to three days from
> now.

Having bound
F3 to kmacro-start-macro-or-insert-counter
F4 kmacro-end-or-call-macro

for the first entry in the agenda I want to shift
forward 3 days I enter

F3 C-c C-s +3 <Enter> F4

for each following entry I put point in the line and press F4

for 3 items that makes a total of 8+2=10 keypresses
for 4 items that makes a total of 8+3=11 keypresses


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