Eric Schulte <> writes:

> Nick Dokos <> writes:
>> Thomas S. Dye <> wrote:
>>> Aloha all,
>>> I'm seeing some unexpected behavior when passing two tables into an R
>>> source code block.  Things seem to work as expected when only one table is
>>> passed. 
>>> In the following example, the header for the second table ends up on the
>>> first table when I evaluate the source code block.
>>> * R tables
>>> #+TBLNAME: tbl-1
>>> | column1 | column2 |
>>> |---------+---------|
>>> |      45 |      34 |
>>> |      77 |      56 |
>>> #+tblname: tbl-2
>>> | col1 | col2 |
>>> |------+------|
>>> | a    | b    |
>>> | c    | d    |
>>> #+BEGIN_SRC R :var x=tbl-1 :var y=tbl-2 :colnames yes
>>> x
>>> #+END_SRC
>>> #+results:
>>> | col1 | col2 |
>>> |------+------|
>>> |   45 |   34 |
>>> |   77 |   56 |
>>> release_7.7-396-g3538
>>> Org-mode version 7.7 (release_7.7.396.g3538)
>>> Bug?  Or my setup?
>> Bug, I think: org-babel-disassemble-tables goes over tables from left to
>> right (top to bottom) but conses colnames (and rownames) to the front,
>> so they come out backwards. Reversing those two lists just before
>> org-babel-disassemble-tables returns should fix it.
> Nick, thanks for diagnosing this problem your fix worked exactly as
> expected and I have just pushed it up to the Org-mode repository.
> Best -- Eric
>> Nick
Thanks Eric and Nick,

This fixes the problem I was seeing.

All the best,
Thomas S. Dye

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