Nick Dokos <> writes:

> While testing my response to Viktor's question, I ran into a problem.
> I used a test file that is slightly modified from a previous post of Tom 
> Dye's:
> * R tables
> #+TBLNAME: tbl-1
> | column1 | column2 |
> |---------+---------|
> |      45 |      34 |
> |      77 |      56 |
> #+tblname: tbl-2
> | col1 | col2 |
> |------+------|
> | a    | b    |
> | c    | d    |
> #+tblname: tbl-3
> | c1 | c2 |
> |----+----|
> | A  | B  |
> | C  | D  |
> #+BEGIN_SRC R :var x=tbl-1 :var y=tbl-2 :var z=tbl-3 :colnames yes :exports 
> both :results value
> z
> Evaluating the code block correctly produces the result
> ,----
> | 
> | #+results:
> | | c1 | c2 |
> | |----+----|
> | | A  | B  |
> | | C  | D  |
> `----
> but exporting (to ascii, PDF, HTML or ODT) chops off the first row of
> the result. For example, here
> is the ascii:
> ,----
> | 
> |   c1   c2  
> |  ----+----
> |   C    D   
> `----
> HTML produces:
> ,----
> | <pre class="example">
> |   c1 c2
> | 1  C  D
> | </pre>
> `----
> Latex:
> ,----
> | \begin{center}
> | \begin{tabular}{ll}
> |  c1  &  c2  \\
> | \hline
> |  C   &  D   \\
> | \end{tabular}
> | \end{center}
> `----
> ODT:
> ,----
> | <table:table table:name="" table:style-name="OrgTable">
> | <table:table-column table:style-name="OrgTableColumn"/>
> | <table:table-column table:style-name="OrgTableColumn"/>
> | 
> | <table:table-header-rows>
> | <table:table-row><table:table-cell
> | table:style-name="OrgTblCellT"><text:p
> | text:style-name="OrgTableHeadingLeft">c1</text:p></table:table-cell>
> | 
> | <table:table-cell table:style-name="OrgTblCellT"><text:p
> | text:style-name="OrgTableHeadingLeft">c2</text:p></table:table-cell>
> | </table:table-row>
> | 
> | </table:table-header-rows>
> | 
> | <table:table-rows>
> | <table:table-row><table:table-cell
> | table:style-name="OrgTblCellTB"><text:p
> | text:style-name="OrgTableContentsLeft">C</text:p></table:table-cell>
> | 
> | <table:table-cell table:style-name="OrgTblCellTB"><text:p
> | text:style-name="OrgTableContentsLeft">D</text:p></table:table-cell>
> | </table:table-row>
> | 
> | </table:table-rows>
> | 
> | </table:table>
> `----
> Versions:
> GNU Emacs (x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.22.0) of
> 2011-09-13
> Org-mode version 7.7 (release_7.7.396.gfaaa)
> Nick

Aloha Nick,

I see the same behavior.


Thomas S. Dye

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