On 10/21/11 12:59 PM, Rainer M Krug wrote:

So, using your above mentioned example, after the first PROPERTY line,
euro=1.3795 and SALESTAX not set, while after the second one
salestax=.15, and euro is unset? That would be quite bad.

That's what I'd expected, but actually, euro is set and salestax is not. Apparently subsequent PROPERTY lines are ignored if they try to set an already existing property.

To clarify: before, we could use #+BABEL and #PROPERTY to do similar
things. Now the whole #+BABEL has been removed, and only the
functionality from #+PROPERTY is left - correct?

That's my understanding. And #+PROPERTY offers equivalent functionality in almost every way, but not, as far as I can understand, in this corner case.


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