Hi Eric,

Eric Schulte <schulte.e...@gmail.com> writes:

> That combined with a helper for specifying
> code blocks (I use yasnippets for this) should serve.

I would like to suggest adding the keybindings and shortcuts for
specifying code blocks to chapter 14.11 "Key bindings and useful
functions" in the manual. I'm still looking for a comfortabel way to
specify a code-block without typing much. A summary of keybindings,
shortcuts and completion methods available for this task in chapter 14
would be helpfull, even if there is some duplication of information
given in other chapters.

There is, e.g., the shortcut

| <s TAB

to insert a code-block, but its somehow underdocumented - I don't
remember, where I read about it, and don't find it in the manual


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