I have the same problem

this org file creates the  bug:

* headline
  * test

this doesn't:

* headline
  - test


Am 25.10.2011 15:21, schrieb Giovanni Ridolfi:
> Remember to cover the basics, that is, what you expected to happen and
> what in fact did happen.  You don't know how to make a good report?  See
>      http://orgmode.org/manual/Feedback.html#Feedback
> Your bug report will be posted to the Org-mode mailing list.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Emacs  : GNU Emacs 23.3.1 (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600)
>  of 2011-03-10 on 3249CTO
> Package: Org-mode version 7.7 2429e834915a11b58c85f18488976e274d6ce387
> I found two errors of org while handling asterisks "*" in HTML export.
> I don't think this is a bug, but I think it is worth to report.
> I wrote my test.org file (see below). 
> Then I tried to html-export a subtree: 
> C-c @  C-c  C-e B
> and I got the errors:
> (wrong-type-argument stringp nil) or 
> (args-out-of-range [nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 
> nil nil nil nil nil nil] -1)
> Before trying to reporduce, please, remember to change the tag ":noexport:"
> e.g. adding a letter :noexporti: "ne eksporti"  ;-)
> so you can export only a section of the file.
> The complete debug trace is under the heading "* backtraces".
> The culprit sholud be " string-match("^ *QUOTE\\( +\\|[       ]*$\\)" nil)".
> cheers,
> Giovanni
> -------- test.org ------
>      -*- mode: org; -*-
> * [2011-10-25 mar] test list asterisk 
> hello
> ** 1 * without space :noexport:
>  *
> hello
> ** test 2 **  without space :noexport:
>  **
> I found a bug? an error?
> ** test 3: *  with a space :noexporti:
>  * 
> newline
> * backtraces
> ** backtrace 1 
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
>   string-match("^ *QUOTE\\( +\\|[     ]*$\\)" nil)
>   (if (string-match quote-re0 txt) (setq txt (replace-match "" t t txt)))
>   (cond ((string-match "\\(\\*+\\)\\(?: +\\(.*?\\)\\)?[       ]*$" line) 
> (setq level ... txt ...) (if ... ...) (if ... ...) (setq first-heading-pos 
> ...) (org-html-level-start level txt umax ... head-count opt-plist) (when ... 
> ... ... ...)) ((and org-export-with-tables ...) (when ... ...) (setq 
> table-buffer ... table-orig-buffer ...) (when ... ... ... ...)) (t (when ... 
> ...) (when ... ... ...) (if ... ...) (when org-export-with-footnotes ... ...) 
> (cond ... ...) (let ... ...) (insert line "\n")))
>   (catch (quote nextline) (when (and inquote ...) (insert "</pre>\n") 
> (org-open-par) (setq inquote nil)) (when inquote (insert ... "\n") (throw ... 
> nil)) (when (and org-export-with-fixed-width ...) (when ... ... ... ...) 
> (insert ... "\n") (when ... ... ... ...) (throw ... nil)) (when (and ... ...) 
> (let ... ... ... ... ...) (throw ... nil)) (when (equal 
> "ORG-BLOCKQUOTE-START" line) (org-close-par-maybe) (insert "<blockquote>\n") 
> (org-open-par) (throw ... nil)) (when (equal "ORG-BLOCKQUOTE-END" line) 
> (org-close-par-maybe) (insert "\n</blockquote>\n") (org-open-par) (throw ... 
> nil)) (when (equal "ORG-VERSE-START" line) (org-close-par-maybe) (insert 
> "\n<p class=\"verse\">\n") (setq org-par-open t) (setq inverse t) (throw ... 
> nil)) (when (equal "ORG-VERSE-END" line) (insert "</p>\n") (setq org-par-open 
> nil) (org-open-par) (setq inverse nil) (throw ... nil)) (when (equal 
> "ORG-CENTER-START" line) (org-close-par-maybe) (insert "\n<div 
> style=\"text-align: center\">") (org-open-par)
 (throw ... nil)) (when (equal "ORG-CENTER-END" line) (org-close-par-maybe) 
(insert "\n</div>") (org-open-par) (throw ... nil)) (run-hooks (quote 
org-export-html-after-blockquotes-hook)) (when inverse (let ... ... ...)) (setq 
start 0) (while (string-match "<<<?\\([^<>]*\\)>>>?\\((INVISIBLE)\\)?[        
]*\n?" line start) (cond ... ... ... ...)) (setq line 
(org-html-handle-time-stamps line)) (or (string-match org-table-hline-regexp 
line) (string-match "^[      ]*\\([+]-\\||[ ]\\)[-+ |]*[+|][         ]*$" line) 
(setq line ...)) (setq line (org-html-handle-links line opt-plist)) (if (and 
org-todo-line-regexp ... ...) (setq line ...)) (when org-export-with-footnotes 
(setq start 0) (while ... ...)) (cond (... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (... ... 
... ...) (t ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)))
>   (while (setq line (pop lines) origline line) (catch (quote nextline) (when 
> ... ... ... ...) (when inquote ... ...) (when ... ... ... ... ...) (when ... 
> ... ...) (when ... ... ... ... ...) (when ... ... ... ... ...) (when ... ... 
> ... ... ... ...) (when ... ... ... ... ... ...) (when ... ... ... ... ...) 
> (when ... ... ... ... ...) (run-hooks ...) (when inverse ...) (setq start 0) 
> (while ... ...) (setq line ...) (or ... ... ...) (setq line ...) (if ... ...) 
> (when org-export-with-footnotes ... ...) (cond ... ... ...)))
>   (let ((case-fold-search nil) (org-odd-levels-only odd)) (mapc (lambda ... 
> ...) org-export-plist-vars) (setq umax (if arg ... 
> org-export-headline-levels)) (setq umax-toc (if ... ... umax)) (unless 
> body-only (insert ...) (when ... ...) (insert ... "\n<h1 class=\"title\">" 
> title "</h1>\n")) (if (and org-export-with-toc ...) (progn ... ... ... ... 
> ... ... ...)) (setq head-count 0) (org-init-section-numbers) (org-open-par) 
> (while (setq line ... origline line) (catch ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 
> ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)) (when inquote (insert 
> "</pre>\n") (org-open-par)) (org-html-level-start 1 nil umax (and 
> org-export-with-toc ...) head-count opt-plist) (when (and ... 
> first-heading-pos) (insert "</div>\n")) (save-excursion (goto-char ...) 
> (while ... ... ... ...)) (when footnotes (insert ... "\n")) (let (...) (when 
> bib ...)) (unless body-only (insert "</div>\n") (let ... ...)) (if 
> org-export-html-with-timestamp (insert org-export-html-html-helper-
timestamp)) (unless body-only (insert "\n</body>\n</html>\n")) (unless 
(plist-get opt-plist :buffer-will-be-killed) (normal-mode) (if ... ...)) 
(goto-char (point-min)) (when thetoc (if ... ... ... ...) (insert "<div 
id=\"table-of-contents\">\n") (let ... ... ... ...)) (goto-char (point-min)) 
(while (re-search-forward "<p>[ 
> \n    ]*</p>" nil t) (replace-match "")) (goto-char (point-min)) (goto-char 
> (point-min)) (let (beg end n) (while ... ... ... ... ...)) (goto-char 
> (point-min)) (when (looking-at "\\s-+\n") (replace-match "")) 
> (remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max) (quote ...)) (run-hooks 
> (quote org-export-html-final-hook)) (or to-buffer (save-buffer)) (goto-char 
> (point-min)) (or (org-export-push-to-kill-ring "HTML") (message "Exporting... 
> done")) (if (eq to-buffer ...) (prog1 ... ...) (current-buffer)))
>   (let* ((opt-plist ...) (body-only ...) (style ...) (html-extension ...) 
> valid thetoc have-headings first-heading-pos (odd org-odd-levels-only) 
> (region-p ...) (rbeg ...) (rend ...) (subtree-p ...) (level-offset ...) 
> (opt-plist ...) (org-current-export-dir ...) (org-current-export-file 
> buffer-file-name) (level 0) (line "") (origline "") txt todo (umax nil) 
> (umax-toc nil) (filename ...) (current-dir ...) (buffer ...) (org-levels-open 
> ...) (date ...) (author ...) (html-validation-link ...) (title ...) (link-up 
> ...) (link-home ...) (dummy ...) (html-table-tag ...) (quote-re0 ...) 
> (quote-re ...) (inquote nil) (infixed nil) (inverse nil) (email ...) 
> (language ...) (keywords ...) (description ...) (num ...) (lang-words nil) 
> (head-count 0) cnt (start 0) ...) (let (...) (org-unmodified ...)) (message 
> "Exporting...") (setq org-min-level (org-get-min-level lines level-offset)) 
> (setq org-last-level org-min-level) (org-init-section-numbers) (cond (... 
> ...) (date) (t ...)) (setq lang-w
ords (or ... ...)) (set-buffer buffer) (let (...) (erase-buffer)) 
(fundamental-mode) (org-install-letbind) (and (fboundp ...) 
(set-buffer-file-coding-system coding-system-for-write)) (let (... ...) (mapc 
... org-export-plist-vars) (setq umax ...) (setq umax-toc ...) (unless 
body-only ... ... ...) (if ... ...) (setq head-count 0) 
(org-init-section-numbers) (org-open-par) (while ... ...) (when inquote ... 
...) (org-html-level-start 1 nil umax ... head-count opt-plist) (when ... ...) 
(save-excursion ... ...) (when footnotes ...) (let ... ...) (unless body-only 
... ...) (if org-export-html-with-timestamp ...) (unless body-only ...) (unless 
... ... ...) (goto-char ...) (when thetoc ... ... ...) (goto-char ...) (while 
... ...) (goto-char ...) (goto-char ...) (let ... ...) (goto-char ...) (when 
... ...) (remove-text-properties ... ... ...) (run-hooks ...) (or to-buffer 
...) (goto-char ...) (or ... ...) (if ... ... ...)))
>   org-export-as-html(nil hidden)
>   org-export-as-html-and-open(nil)
>   call-interactively(org-export-as-html-and-open)
>   (if (and bg (nth 2 ass) (not ...) (not ...)) (let (...) 
> (set-process-sentinel p ...) (message "Background process \"%s\": started" 
> p)) (if subtree-p (progn ... ...)) (call-interactively (nth 1 ass)) (when 
> (and bpos ...) (let ... ... ... ... ...)))
>   (let* ((bg ...) (subtree-p ...) (help "[t]   insert the export option 
> template\n[v]   limit export to visible part of outline tree\n[1]   switch 
> buffer/subtree export\n[SPC] publish enclosing subtree (with LaTeX_CLASS or 
> EXPORT_FILE_NAME prop)\n\n[a/n/u] export as ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8         
> [A/N/U] to temporary buffer\n\n[h] export as HTML      [H] to temporary 
> buffer   [R] export region\n[b] export as HTML and open in browser\n\n[l] 
> export as LaTeX     [L] to temporary buffer\n[p] export as LaTeX and process 
> to PDF            [d] ... and open PDF file\n\n[D] export as DocBook   [V] 
> export as DocBook, process to PDF, and open\n\n[o] export as OpenDocumentText 
>                    [O] ... and open\n\n[j] export as TaskJuggler              
>            [J] ... and open\n\n[m] export as Freemind mind map\n[x] export as 
> XOXO\n[g] export using Wes Hardaker's generic exporter\n\n[i] export current 
> file as iCalendar file\n[I] export all agenda files as iCalendar files   [c] 
> ...as 
one combined file\n\n[F] publish current file          [P] publish current 
project\n[X] publish a project...          [E] publish every projects") (cmds 
...) r1 r2 ass (cpos ...) (cbuf ...) bpos) (save-excursion 
(save-window-excursion ... ... ... ... ... ...)) (if (fboundp ...) (redisplay)) 
(and bpos (goto-char bpos)) (setq r2 (if ... ... r1)) (unless (setq ass ...) 
(error "No command associated with key %c" r1)) (if (and bg ... ... ...) (let 
... ... ...) (if subtree-p ...) (call-interactively ...) (when ... ...)))
>   org-export(nil)
>   call-interactively(org-export nil nil)
> ** backtrace 2
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
>   string-match("^ *QUOTE\\( +\\|[     ]*$\\)" nil)
>   (if (string-match quote-re0 txt) (setq txt (replace-match "" t t txt)))
>   (cond ((string-match "\\(\\*+\\)\\(?: +\\(.*?\\)\\)?[       ]*$" line) 
> (setq level ... txt ...) (if ... ...) (if ... ...) (setq first-heading-pos 
> ...) (org-html-level-start level txt umax ... head-count opt-plist) (when ... 
> ... ... ...)) ((and org-export-with-tables ...) (when ... ...) (setq 
> table-buffer ... table-orig-buffer ...) (when ... ... ... ...)) (t (when ... 
> ...) (when ... ... ...) (if ... ...) (when org-export-with-footnotes ... ...) 
> (cond ... ...) (let ... ...) (insert line "\n")))
>   (catch (quote nextline) (when (and inquote ...) (insert "</pre>\n") 
> (org-open-par) (setq inquote nil)) (when inquote (insert ... "\n") (throw ... 
> nil)) (when (and org-export-with-fixed-width ...) (when ... ... ... ...) 
> (insert ... "\n") (when ... ... ... ...) (throw ... nil)) (when (and ... ...) 
> (let ... ... ... ... ...) (throw ... nil)) (when (equal 
> "ORG-BLOCKQUOTE-START" line) (org-close-par-maybe) (insert "<blockquote>\n") 
> (org-open-par) (throw ... nil)) (when (equal "ORG-BLOCKQUOTE-END" line) 
> (org-close-par-maybe) (insert "\n</blockquote>\n") (org-open-par) (throw ... 
> nil)) (when (equal "ORG-VERSE-START" line) (org-close-par-maybe) (insert 
> "\n<p class=\"verse\">\n") (setq org-par-open t) (setq inverse t) (throw ... 
> nil)) (when (equal "ORG-VERSE-END" line) (insert "</p>\n") (setq org-par-open 
> nil) (org-open-par) (setq inverse nil) (throw ... nil)) (when (equal 
> "ORG-CENTER-START" line) (org-close-par-maybe) (insert "\n<div 
> style=\"text-align: center\">") (org-open-par)
 (throw ... nil)) (when (equal "ORG-CENTER-END" line) (org-close-par-maybe) 
(insert "\n</div>") (org-open-par) (throw ... nil)) (run-hooks (quote 
org-export-html-after-blockquotes-hook)) (when inverse (let ... ... ...)) (setq 
start 0) (while (string-match "<<<?\\([^<>]*\\)>>>?\\((INVISIBLE)\\)?[        
]*\n?" line start) (cond ... ... ... ...)) (setq line 
(org-html-handle-time-stamps line)) (or (string-match org-table-hline-regexp 
line) (string-match "^[      ]*\\([+]-\\||[ ]\\)[-+ |]*[+|][         ]*$" line) 
(setq line ...)) (setq line (org-html-handle-links line opt-plist)) (if (and 
org-todo-line-regexp ... ...) (setq line ...)) (when org-export-with-footnotes 
(setq start 0) (while ... ...)) (cond (... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (... ... 
... ...) (t ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)))
>   (while (setq line (pop lines) origline line) (catch (quote nextline) (when 
> ... ... ... ...) (when inquote ... ...) (when ... ... ... ... ...) (when ... 
> ... ...) (when ... ... ... ... ...) (when ... ... ... ... ...) (when ... ... 
> ... ... ... ...) (when ... ... ... ... ... ...) (when ... ... ... ... ...) 
> (when ... ... ... ... ...) (run-hooks ...) (when inverse ...) (setq start 0) 
> (while ... ...) (setq line ...) (or ... ... ...) (setq line ...) (if ... ...) 
> (when org-export-with-footnotes ... ...) (cond ... ... ...)))
>   (let ((case-fold-search nil) (org-odd-levels-only odd)) (mapc (lambda ... 
> ...) org-export-plist-vars) (setq umax (if arg ... 
> org-export-headline-levels)) (setq umax-toc (if ... ... umax)) (unless 
> body-only (insert ...) (when ... ...) (insert ... "\n<h1 class=\"title\">" 
> title "</h1>\n")) (if (and org-export-with-toc ...) (progn ... ... ... ... 
> ... ... ...)) (setq head-count 0) (org-init-section-numbers) (org-open-par) 
> (while (setq line ... origline line) (catch ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 
> ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)) (when inquote (insert 
> "</pre>\n") (org-open-par)) (org-html-level-start 1 nil umax (and 
> org-export-with-toc ...) head-count opt-plist) (when (and ... 
> first-heading-pos) (insert "</div>\n")) (save-excursion (goto-char ...) 
> (while ... ... ... ...)) (when footnotes (insert ... "\n")) (let (...) (when 
> bib ...)) (unless body-only (insert "</div>\n") (let ... ...)) (if 
> org-export-html-with-timestamp (insert org-export-html-html-helper-
timestamp)) (unless body-only (insert "\n</body>\n</html>\n")) (unless 
(plist-get opt-plist :buffer-will-be-killed) (normal-mode) (if ... ...)) 
(goto-char (point-min)) (when thetoc (if ... ... ... ...) (insert "<div 
id=\"table-of-contents\">\n") (let ... ... ... ...)) (goto-char (point-min)) 
(while (re-search-forward "<p>[ 
> \n    ]*</p>" nil t) (replace-match "")) (goto-char (point-min)) (goto-char 
> (point-min)) (let (beg end n) (while ... ... ... ... ...)) (goto-char 
> (point-min)) (when (looking-at "\\s-+\n") (replace-match "")) 
> (remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max) (quote ...)) (run-hooks 
> (quote org-export-html-final-hook)) (or to-buffer (save-buffer)) (goto-char 
> (point-min)) (or (org-export-push-to-kill-ring "HTML") (message "Exporting... 
> done")) (if (eq to-buffer ...) (prog1 ... ...) (current-buffer)))
>   (let* ((opt-plist ...) (body-only ...) (style ...) (html-extension ...) 
> valid thetoc have-headings first-heading-pos (odd org-odd-levels-only) 
> (region-p ...) (rbeg ...) (rend ...) (subtree-p ...) (level-offset ...) 
> (opt-plist ...) (org-current-export-dir ...) (org-current-export-file 
> buffer-file-name) (level 0) (line "") (origline "") txt todo (umax nil) 
> (umax-toc nil) (filename ...) (current-dir ...) (buffer ...) (org-levels-open 
> ...) (date ...) (author ...) (html-validation-link ...) (title ...) (link-up 
> ...) (link-home ...) (dummy ...) (html-table-tag ...) (quote-re0 ...) 
> (quote-re ...) (inquote nil) (infixed nil) (inverse nil) (email ...) 
> (language ...) (keywords ...) (description ...) (num ...) (lang-words nil) 
> (head-count 0) cnt (start 0) ...) (let (...) (org-unmodified ...)) (message 
> "Exporting...") (setq org-min-level (org-get-min-level lines level-offset)) 
> (setq org-last-level org-min-level) (org-init-section-numbers) (cond (... 
> ...) (date) (t ...)) (setq lang-w
ords (or ... ...)) (set-buffer buffer) (let (...) (erase-buffer)) 
(fundamental-mode) (org-install-letbind) (and (fboundp ...) 
(set-buffer-file-coding-system coding-system-for-write)) (let (... ...) (mapc 
... org-export-plist-vars) (setq umax ...) (setq umax-toc ...) (unless 
body-only ... ... ...) (if ... ...) (setq head-count 0) 
(org-init-section-numbers) (org-open-par) (while ... ...) (when inquote ... 
...) (org-html-level-start 1 nil umax ... head-count opt-plist) (when ... ...) 
(save-excursion ... ...) (when footnotes ...) (let ... ...) (unless body-only 
... ...) (if org-export-html-with-timestamp ...) (unless body-only ...) (unless 
... ... ...) (goto-char ...) (when thetoc ... ... ...) (goto-char ...) (while 
... ...) (goto-char ...) (goto-char ...) (let ... ...) (goto-char ...) (when 
... ...) (remove-text-properties ... ... ...) (run-hooks ...) (or to-buffer 
...) (goto-char ...) (or ... ...) (if ... ... ...)))
>   org-export-as-html(nil hidden)
>   org-export-as-html-and-open(nil)
>   call-interactively(org-export-as-html-and-open)
>   (if (and bg (nth 2 ass) (not ...) (not ...)) (let (...) 
> (set-process-sentinel p ...) (message "Background process \"%s\": started" 
> p)) (if subtree-p (progn ... ...)) (call-interactively (nth 1 ass)) (when 
> (and bpos ...) (let ... ... ... ... ...)))
>   (let* ((bg ...) (subtree-p ...) (help "[t]   insert the export option 
> template\n[v]   limit export to visible part of outline tree\n[1]   switch 
> buffer/subtree export\n[SPC] publish enclosing subtree (with LaTeX_CLASS or 
> EXPORT_FILE_NAME prop)\n\n[a/n/u] export as ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8         
> [A/N/U] to temporary buffer\n\n[h] export as HTML      [H] to temporary 
> buffer   [R] export region\n[b] export as HTML and open in browser\n\n[l] 
> export as LaTeX     [L] to temporary buffer\n[p] export as LaTeX and process 
> to PDF            [d] ... and open PDF file\n\n[D] export as DocBook   [V] 
> export as DocBook, process to PDF, and open\n\n[o] export as OpenDocumentText 
>                    [O] ... and open\n\n[j] export as TaskJuggler              
>            [J] ... and open\n\n[m] export as Freemind mind map\n[x] export as 
> XOXO\n[g] export using Wes Hardaker's generic exporter\n\n[i] export current 
> file as iCalendar file\n[I] export all agenda files as iCalendar files   [c] 
> ...as 
one combined file\n\n[F] publish current file          [P] publish current 
project\n[X] publish a project...          [E] publish every projects") (cmds 
...) r1 r2 ass (cpos ...) (cbuf ...) bpos) (save-excursion 
(save-window-excursion ... ... ... ... ... ...)) (if (fboundp ...) (redisplay)) 
(and bpos (goto-char bpos)) (setq r2 (if ... ... r1)) (unless (setq ass ...) 
(error "No command associated with key %c" r1)) (if (and bg ... ... ...) (let 
... ... ...) (if subtree-p ...) (call-interactively ...) (when ... ...)))
>   org-export(nil)
>   call-interactively(org-export nil nil)
> ** backtrace 3 
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (args-out-of-range [nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 
> nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil] -1)
>   aref([nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 
> nil nil nil] -1)
>   (if (aref org-levels-open (1- l)) (progn (org-html-level-close l umax) 
> (aset org-levels-open ... nil)))
>   (while (>= l level) (if (aref org-levels-open ...) (progn ... ...)) (setq l 
> (1- l)))
>   (let* ((target ...) (extra-targets ...) (extra-class ...) (preferred ...) 
> (l org-level-max) (num ...) snumber snu href suffix) (setq extra-targets 
> (remove ... extra-targets)) (setq extra-targets (mapconcat ... extra-targets 
> "")) (while (>= l level) (if ... ...) (setq l ...)) (when title (when ... 
> ...) (if ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)))
>   org-html-level-start(0 "" 3 t 2 (:latex-image-options nil :exclude-tags 
> ("noexport") :select-tags ("export") :publishing-directory nil :timestamp nil 
> :expand-quoted-html t :html-table-tag "<table border=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" 
> cellpadding=\"6\" rules=\"groups\" frame=\"hsides\">" :xml-declaration 
> (("html" . "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"%s\"?>") ("php" . "<?php echo 
> \"<?xml version=\\\"1.0\\\" encoding=\\\"%s\\\" ?>\"; ?>")) :html-postamble 
> auto :html-preamble t :html-extension "html" :inline-images maybe 
> :convert-org-links t :agenda-style "" :style-extra "" :style "" 
> :style-include-scripts t :style-include-default t :table-auto-headline t 
> :tables t :time-stamp-file t :creator-info t :email-info nil :author-info t 
> :email "giovanni.rido...@yahoo.it" ...))
>   (cond ((string-match "\\(\\*+\\)\\(?: +\\(.*?\\)\\)?[       ]*$" line) 
> (setq level ... txt ...) (if ... ...) (if ... ...) (setq first-heading-pos 
> ...) (org-html-level-start level txt umax ... head-count opt-plist) (when ... 
> ... ... ...)) ((and org-export-with-tables ...) (when ... ...) (setq 
> table-buffer ... table-orig-buffer ...) (when ... ... ... ...)) (t (when ... 
> ...) (when ... ... ...) (if ... ...) (when org-export-with-footnotes ... ...) 
> (cond ... ...) (let ... ...) (insert line "\n")))
>   (catch (quote nextline) (when (and inquote ...) (insert "</pre>\n") 
> (org-open-par) (setq inquote nil)) (when inquote (insert ... "\n") (throw ... 
> nil)) (when (and org-export-with-fixed-width ...) (when ... ... ... ...) 
> (insert ... "\n") (when ... ... ... ...) (throw ... nil)) (when (and ... ...) 
> (let ... ... ... ... ...) (throw ... nil)) (when (equal 
> "ORG-BLOCKQUOTE-START" line) (org-close-par-maybe) (insert "<blockquote>\n") 
> (org-open-par) (throw ... nil)) (when (equal "ORG-BLOCKQUOTE-END" line) 
> (org-close-par-maybe) (insert "\n</blockquote>\n") (org-open-par) (throw ... 
> nil)) (when (equal "ORG-VERSE-START" line) (org-close-par-maybe) (insert 
> "\n<p class=\"verse\">\n") (setq org-par-open t) (setq inverse t) (throw ... 
> nil)) (when (equal "ORG-VERSE-END" line) (insert "</p>\n") (setq org-par-open 
> nil) (org-open-par) (setq inverse nil) (throw ... nil)) (when (equal 
> "ORG-CENTER-START" line) (org-close-par-maybe) (insert "\n<div 
> style=\"text-align: center\">") (org-open-par)
 (throw ... nil)) (when (equal "ORG-CENTER-END" line) (org-close-par-maybe) 
(insert "\n</div>") (org-open-par) (throw ... nil)) (run-hooks (quote 
org-export-html-after-blockquotes-hook)) (when inverse (let ... ... ...)) (setq 
start 0) (while (string-match "<<<?\\([^<>]*\\)>>>?\\((INVISIBLE)\\)?[        
]*\n?" line start) (cond ... ... ... ...)) (setq line 
(org-html-handle-time-stamps line)) (or (string-match org-table-hline-regexp 
line) (string-match "^[      ]*\\([+]-\\||[ ]\\)[-+ |]*[+|][         ]*$" line) 
(setq line ...)) (setq line (org-html-handle-links line opt-plist)) (if (and 
org-todo-line-regexp ... ...) (setq line ...)) (when org-export-with-footnotes 
(setq start 0) (while ... ...)) (cond (... ... ... ... ... ... ...) (... ... 
... ...) (t ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)))
>   (while (setq line (pop lines) origline line) (catch (quote nextline) (when 
> ... ... ... ...) (when inquote ... ...) (when ... ... ... ... ...) (when ... 
> ... ...) (when ... ... ... ... ...) (when ... ... ... ... ...) (when ... ... 
> ... ... ... ...) (when ... ... ... ... ... ...) (when ... ... ... ... ...) 
> (when ... ... ... ... ...) (run-hooks ...) (when inverse ...) (setq start 0) 
> (while ... ...) (setq line ...) (or ... ... ...) (setq line ...) (if ... ...) 
> (when org-export-with-footnotes ... ...) (cond ... ... ...)))
>   (let ((case-fold-search nil) (org-odd-levels-only odd)) (mapc (lambda ... 
> ...) org-export-plist-vars) (setq umax (if arg ... 
> org-export-headline-levels)) (setq umax-toc (if ... ... umax)) (unless 
> body-only (insert ...) (when ... ...) (insert ... "\n<h1 class=\"title\">" 
> title "</h1>\n")) (if (and org-export-with-toc ...) (progn ... ... ... ... 
> ... ... ...)) (setq head-count 0) (org-init-section-numbers) (org-open-par) 
> (while (setq line ... origline line) (catch ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 
> ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)) (when inquote (insert 
> "</pre>\n") (org-open-par)) (org-html-level-start 1 nil umax (and 
> org-export-with-toc ...) head-count opt-plist) (when (and ... 
> first-heading-pos) (insert "</div>\n")) (save-excursion (goto-char ...) 
> (while ... ... ... ...)) (when footnotes (insert ... "\n")) (let (...) (when 
> bib ...)) (unless body-only (insert "</div>\n") (let ... ...)) (if 
> org-export-html-with-timestamp (insert org-export-html-html-helper-
timestamp)) (unless body-only (insert "\n</body>\n</html>\n")) (unless 
(plist-get opt-plist :buffer-will-be-killed) (normal-mode) (if ... ...)) 
(goto-char (point-min)) (when thetoc (if ... ... ... ...) (insert "<div 
id=\"table-of-contents\">\n") (let ... ... ... ...)) (goto-char (point-min)) 
(while (re-search-forward "<p>[ 
> \n    ]*</p>" nil t) (replace-match "")) (goto-char (point-min)) (goto-char 
> (point-min)) (let (beg end n) (while ... ... ... ... ...)) (goto-char 
> (point-min)) (when (looking-at "\\s-+\n") (replace-match "")) 
> (remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max) (quote ...)) (run-hooks 
> (quote org-export-html-final-hook)) (or to-buffer (save-buffer)) (goto-char 
> (point-min)) (or (org-export-push-to-kill-ring "HTML") (message "Exporting... 
> done")) (if (eq to-buffer ...) (prog1 ... ...) (current-buffer)))
>   (let* ((opt-plist ...) (body-only ...) (style ...) (html-extension ...) 
> valid thetoc have-headings first-heading-pos (odd org-odd-levels-only) 
> (region-p ...) (rbeg ...) (rend ...) (subtree-p ...) (level-offset ...) 
> (opt-plist ...) (org-current-export-dir ...) (org-current-export-file 
> buffer-file-name) (level 0) (line "") (origline "") txt todo (umax nil) 
> (umax-toc nil) (filename ...) (current-dir ...) (buffer ...) (org-levels-open 
> ...) (date ...) (author ...) (html-validation-link ...) (title ...) (link-up 
> ...) (link-home ...) (dummy ...) (html-table-tag ...) (quote-re0 ...) 
> (quote-re ...) (inquote nil) (infixed nil) (inverse nil) (email ...) 
> (language ...) (keywords ...) (description ...) (num ...) (lang-words nil) 
> (head-count 0) cnt (start 0) ...) (let (...) (org-unmodified ...)) (message 
> "Exporting...") (setq org-min-level (org-get-min-level lines level-offset)) 
> (setq org-last-level org-min-level) (org-init-section-numbers) (cond (... 
> ...) (date) (t ...)) (setq lang-w
ords (or ... ...)) (set-buffer buffer) (let (...) (erase-buffer)) 
(fundamental-mode) (org-install-letbind) (and (fboundp ...) 
(set-buffer-file-coding-system coding-system-for-write)) (let (... ...) (mapc 
... org-export-plist-vars) (setq umax ...) (setq umax-toc ...) (unless 
body-only ... ... ...) (if ... ...) (setq head-count 0) 
(org-init-section-numbers) (org-open-par) (while ... ...) (when inquote ... 
...) (org-html-level-start 1 nil umax ... head-count opt-plist) (when ... ...) 
(save-excursion ... ...) (when footnotes ...) (let ... ...) (unless body-only 
... ...) (if org-export-html-with-timestamp ...) (unless body-only ...) (unless 
... ... ...) (goto-char ...) (when thetoc ... ... ...) (goto-char ...) (while 
... ...) (goto-char ...) (goto-char ...) (let ... ...) (goto-char ...) (when 
... ...) (remove-text-properties ... ... ...) (run-hooks ...) (or to-buffer 
...) (goto-char ...) (or ... ...) (if ... ... ...)))
>   org-export-as-html(nil hidden)
>   org-export-as-html-and-open(nil)
>   call-interactively(org-export-as-html-and-open)
>   (if (and bg (nth 2 ass) (not ...) (not ...)) (let (...) 
> (set-process-sentinel p ...) (message "Background process \"%s\": started" 
> p)) (if subtree-p (progn ... ...)) (call-interactively (nth 1 ass)) (when 
> (and bpos ...) (let ... ... ... ... ...)))
>   (let* ((bg ...) (subtree-p ...) (help "[t]   insert the export option 
> template\n[v]   limit export to visible part of outline tree\n[1]   switch 
> buffer/subtree export\n[SPC] publish enclosing subtree (with LaTeX_CLASS or 
> EXPORT_FILE_NAME prop)\n\n[a/n/u] export as ASCII/Latin-1/UTF-8         
> [A/N/U] to temporary buffer\n\n[h] export as HTML      [H] to temporary 
> buffer   [R] export region\n[b] export as HTML and open in browser\n\n[l] 
> export as LaTeX     [L] to temporary buffer\n[p] export as LaTeX and process 
> to PDF            [d] ... and open PDF file\n\n[D] export as DocBook   [V] 
> export as DocBook, process to PDF, and open\n\n[o] export as OpenDocumentText 
>                    [O] ... and open\n\n[j] export as TaskJuggler              
>            [J] ... and open\n\n[m] export as Freemind mind map\n[x] export as 
> XOXO\n[g] export using Wes Hardaker's generic exporter\n\n[i] export current 
> file as iCalendar file\n[I] export all agenda files as iCalendar files   [c] 
> ...as 
one combined file\n\n[F] publish current file          [P] publish current 
project\n[X] publish a project...          [E] publish every projects") (cmds 
...) r1 r2 ass (cpos ...) (cbuf ...) bpos) (save-excursion 
(save-window-excursion ... ... ... ... ... ...)) (if (fboundp ...) (redisplay)) 
(and bpos (goto-char bpos)) (setq r2 (if ... ... r1)) (unless (setq ass ...) 
(error "No command associated with key %c" r1)) (if (and bg ... ... ...) (let 
... ... ...) (if subtree-p ...) (call-interactively ...) (when ... ...)))
>   org-export(nil)
>   call-interactively(org-export nil nil)
> current state:
> ==============
> (setq
>  org-log-done t
>  org-export-latex-after-initial-vars-hook '(org-beamer-after-initial-vars)
>  org-speed-command-hook '(org-speed-command-default-hook 
> org-babel-speed-command-hook)
>  org-blocker-hook '(org-block-todo-from-children-or-siblings-or-parent)
>  org-babel-load-languages '((gnuplot . t) (emacs-lisp . t) (calc . t) (sh . 
> t) (ditaa . t))
>  org-metaup-hook '(org-babel-load-in-session-maybe)
>  org-after-todo-state-change-hook '(org-clock-out-if-current)
>  org-export-blocks-postblock-hook '(org-exp-res/src-name-cleanup)
>  org-export-latex-format-toc-function 'org-export-latex-format-toc-default
>  org-tab-first-hook '(org-hide-block-toggle-maybe 
> org-src-native-tab-command-maybe
>                     org-babel-hide-result-toggle-maybe)
>  org-src-mode-hook '(org-src-babel-configure-edit-buffer 
> org-src-mode-configure-edit-buffer)
>  org-finalize-agenda-hook '(my-org-agenda-to-appt)
>  org-confirm-shell-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
>  org-export-first-hook '(org-beamer-initialize-open-trackers)
>  org-agenda-before-write-hook '(org-agenda-add-entry-text)
>  org-blank-before-new-entry nil
>  org-babel-pre-tangle-hook '(save-buffer)
>  org-cycle-hook '(org-cycle-hide-archived-subtrees org-cycle-hide-drawers 
> org-cycle-show-empty-lines
>                 org-optimize-window-after-visibility-change)
>  org-export-preprocess-before-normalizing-links-hook 
> '(org-remove-file-link-modifiers)
>  org-mode-hook '((lambda nil
>                 (org-add-hook (quote change-major-mode-hook) (quote 
> org-show-block-all) (quote append)
>                  (quote local))
>                 )
>                (lambda nil
>                 (org-add-hook (quote change-major-mode-hook) (quote 
> org-babel-show-result-all)
>                  (quote append) (quote local))
>                 )
>                org-babel-result-hide-spec org-babel-hide-all-hashes)
>  org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c-hook '(org-babel-hash-at-point 
> org-babel-execute-safely-maybe)
>  org-confirm-elisp-link-function 'yes-or-no-p
>  org-export-interblocks '((lob org-babel-exp-lob-one-liners) (src 
> org-babel-exp-inline-src-blocks))
>  org-clock-out-hook '(org-clock-remove-empty-clock-drawer)
>  org-enforce-todo-dependencies t
>  org-occur-hook '(org-first-headline-recenter)
>  org-from-is-user-regexp nil
>  org-export-preprocess-before-selecting-backend-code-hook 
> '(org-beamer-select-beamer-code)
>  org-export-latex-final-hook '(org-beamer-amend-header org-beamer-fix-toc 
> org-beamer-auto-fragile-frames
>                              org-beamer-place-default-actions-for-lists)
>  org-metadown-hook '(org-babel-pop-to-session-maybe)
>  org-export-blocks '((src org-babel-exp-src-block nil) (comment 
> org-export-blocks-format-comment t)
>                    (ditaa org-export-blocks-format-ditaa nil) (dot 
> org-export-blocks-format-dot nil))
>  )

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