Hi Achim

On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 08:33, Achim Gratz <strom...@nexgo.de> wrote:
>> In case the errors are confirmed: My guess is that again you have a
>> better solution than me and I don't propose a patch yet. (org-version)
>> uses (file-exists-p (expand-file-name ".git" dir)) and
>> (executable-find "git") for this.
> You are talking about org-version here?

I don't consider org-version to be used in the Makefile but assume
that the same tests have to be made there.

> That code is not mine (I only
> added another defconst to be able to record the version string during
> install).  I have never tried what happens when not installed and no git
> is present... so please if that does indeed break put a patch to master,
> as the problem should already be present there.  AFAIK the code should
> just drop down to no appending the description string.

No worry, org-version gets along with that.

> GNU Makefile standards ask that a help target be available and that make
> without arguments should show the help rather than freak you out with
> starting to do something you may not have wanted to do.

Good to know. I prefer the standard and like that the GNU Makefile
default target is standardized this way.


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