>> On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 11:54:35 +0000, Myles English said:

>> On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 03:41:18 +0530, Jambunathan K said:

  >> Myles English <mylesengl...@gmail.com> writes:
  >>> I have found that Equations become labelled as Figures in the
  >>> version I am using:
  >>> emacs 23.3.1 org-mode from git commit 71f1c1be (Oct 26) The test
  >>> equations in latex-mathml.org in this message:
  >>> http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-orgmode/2011-09/msg00198.html
  >>> are labelled as "Equation" in the odt files but when I export it
  >>> fresh I get "Figure".

  >> This was a regression. I pushed a fix few moments ago. Could you
  >> please pull again?

  > Thanks for the push, there are three things I notice now:

  > 1) my document won't open and causes libreoffice to crash! I get:
  > "terminate called after throwing an instance of what():
  > vector::_M_default_append" on the command line

  > 2) the first equation in latex-mathml.org is not numbered, I would
  > expect this if it was using a begin{equation*} environment but not a
  > begin{equation}.

  > 3) the second equation looks a bit like this:

  >    x=root(b) (1) Radicals

  >    but I would have expected something like:

  >    x=root(b) Equation 1.: Radicals

Alright, points 2 and 3 are cleared up by me understanding that the
asterisk in \begin{equation*} has no visible effect, and that instead of
having "Equation 1.:" in the caption below the formula, there is a "(1)"
on the RHS.

Point 1 is entirely my own problem.


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