On 11/3/11 2:42 AM, Bastien wrote:

But allowing a top-level :PROPERTIES: drawer with properties
whose scope is the entire file looks like a good idea to me.

How other would feel about this?

Not sure if this is already clear, but just in case: The functionality is already there. PROPERTY lines set buffer-wide properties.

This works now:

#+TITLE: My foobar file
#+PROPERTY: foo 1
#+PROPERTY: bar 2
#+PROPERTY: baz 3

Replacing it with a top-level property drawer before the outline would make another bit of syntax redundant, and it would sometimes save a bit of typing (if there are many buffer-wide properties tobe set):

#+TITLE: My foobar file
:foo: 1
:bar: 2
:baz: 3

I have come to expect that any file-wide settings are in #+... lines and that any property drawers are associated with outline entries. I don't know how important it is to maintain those expectations.


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