Myles English <> writes:

>>> On Wed, 02 Nov 2011 21:38:42 +0000, Myles English said:
>>> On Wed, 02 Nov 2011 00:44:57 +0530, Jambunathan K said:
>   >>> 2. mathml - You need to register your command file with -ncf
>   >>> argument.
>   >>> 
>   >>> For example, if I put the mystyle.tex in the same directory as
>   >>> exported .org file and add the -ncf argument to the converter as
>   >>> below
>   >>> 
>   >>> #+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command
>   >>> "java -jar %j -ncf mystyle.tex -unicode -force -df %o %I ")
>   >>> #+end_src
>   >>> 
>   >> ncf option is documented here:
>   >> 
>   > I have narrowed the problem I am having down to newcommands that
>   > build on other newcommands, like so ...
>   > If I have this in my style file:
>   > \newcommand{\pressure}{p}
>   > \newcommand{\capillaryPressure}{\pressure_{c}}
> This can work if the style file appears twice in the mathml command:
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>       (setq org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command
>             "java -jar %j -ncf mystyle.sty,mystyle.sty -unicode -force -df %o 
> %I ")
> #+end_src

Where from you pulled this trick. Unless it is documented somewehere you
are most likely relying on an unintentional side-effect. 

After some googling, I see that there is promising solution using
plastex. The solution is documented in the below file. The customary odt
file is attached as a proof-of-concept.

#+TITLE:     How to circumvent ncf limitation of MathToWeb with Plastex?
#+AUTHOR:    Jambunathan K
#+DATE:      2011-11-01 Tue
#+OPTIONS:   H:3 num:t toc:t \n:nil @:t ::t |:t ^:t -:t f:t *:t <:t 
#+OPTIONS:   TeX:t LaTeX:t skip:nil d:nil todo:t pri:nil tags:not-in-toc


#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{jambu}

* Summary

  This document outlines ways to circumvent limitations of "-ncf"
  option in MathToWeb. See this [[][discussion thread]] for understanding of
  the limitations.

* Settings
  Leave the converter command at it's default value - which doesn't
  use =-ncf= option.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (setq org-latex-to-mathml-convert-command 
        "java -jar %j -unicode -force -df %o %I ")

* mysttyle.tex

  In the definitions below, one =newcommand= uses one another
  =newcommand=. The below defintions goes in to user specified stlyes
  file =mystyle.tex=.

#+begin_src tex

* LaTeX Equation
  The latex equation below relies on above newcommand definitions to
  be available.

#+begin_src org
  ,#+LABEL: Equation:cp

#+LABEL: Equation:cp

* Flatten equations with Plastex

  Use [[][plastex]] to flatten out the above equation. 

  The snippet below is a variation of script in the afore-mentioned
  link and takes input from stdin and spews out flattened equation to

  Copy the below script to

#+begin_src python
# _*_ coding: UTF-8 _*_
import sys
from plasTeX.TeX import TeX
doc = TeX(file=sys.stdin).parse()
# The processed document is contained in the string doc.source
# Print to file
# f = open('PlastexProcessed.tex', 'w')
# f.close()

* Hack Org with a defadvice

  "sneak-in" custom processing in to org core by installing the advice

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (defadvice org-format-latex-as-mathml 
    (before my-org-format-latex-as-mathml activate)
    "Prepend mystyle.tex to latex-frag.
  Pass it through to \"plastex\". Use the flattened equation - which has
  ZERO DEPENDENCIES on user's newcommand definitions - as input to MathToWeb."
    (ad-set-arg 0 (and (ad-get-arg 0)
                         (insert-file-contents  "mystyle.tex")
                         (goto-char (point-max))
                         (insert (ad-get-arg 0))
                          (point-min) (point-max)
                          "./" nil t 
                          (get-buffer-create "*plastex-errors*"))

* Export

  Export this file to ODT and see that above LaTeX equation is
  satisfactorily converted to MathML by MathToWeb.

* Disabling above advice

  You can disable the above advice anytime by doing this.

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  (ad-disable-advice 'org-format-latex-as-mathml 'before
  (ad-update 'org-format-latex-as-mathml)

Attachment: mathtoweb-with-plastex.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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