On Fri, Nov 18, 2011 at 10:46 AM, Tom Prince <tom.pri...@ualberta.net> wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Nov 2011 08:23:18 -0600, Brian Wightman 
> <midlife...@wightmanfam.org> wrote:
>> Perhaps a way to deal with this would be to tangle to a different
>> directory, and then sync any changes into your compilation source
>> directory.  If you would update the compilation directory only when
>> something differs from the tangle directory, then make could handle it
>> from that point on.
> The tangle mechanism could probably handle this autoatically. i.e. not
> saving a file if the contents are identical.

If there is not a lot of extra memory / time overhead associated with
this, I could see this being a valid approach.  I would request that,
if implemented, this be placed behind an on/off switch.

The makefile could also handle this with something along these lines
(correct the leading space -> tab conversion as well as proper macro

tangleflag: totangle.org
   $(TANGLECOMMAND) totangle.org
   $(TOUCH) tangleflag

syncflag: tangleflag
   $(SYNCCOMMAND) sourcedir tangledir
   $(TOUCH) syncflag


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