Herbert Sitz <hes...@gmail.com> writes:

> zwz <zhangweize <at> gmail.com> writes:
>> It takes long to export the whole file when it contains many babel
>> stuff. And in many cases, I just want to check if the current frame is
>> arranged as expected. SO I just want to know if there is some
> convenient
>> way to export just one frame without tagging all the other frames as
> :noexport.
> Have you tried just tagging the tree you want with :export:? Once that
> select
> tag is present in the buffer Org will automatically exclude any trees
> that don't
> have it.  From the docs:
> "Org first checks if any of the select tags is present in the buffer. If
> yes,
> all trees that do not carry one of these tags will be excluded. If a
> selected
> tree is a subtree, the heading hierarchy above it will also be selected
> for
> export, but not the text below those headings. "
> http://orgmode.org/manual/Selective-export.html#index-export_002c-selective-by-tags-or-TODO-keyword-1424

I did not know this! It is what I want. Thanks.

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