Hi Eric,

I almost added the engine `sqlplus' (from Oracle Instant client) to `ob-sql':

#+begin_src emacs-lisp
  ('sqlplus (format "sqlplus -S %s @%s > %s"
                  (or cmdline "")
                  (org-babel-process-file-name in-file)
                  (org-babel-process-file-name out-file)))


- `S' is to remove the Oracle banner
- `user/pass@server' is the logon info (given as `cmdline')
- `@file' is the way to pass an SQL script to be run (file name is preceded by
  an `@' sign).

BUT the code block to be executed is saved by Babel in Windows' TEMP
directory, for example under a file whose full path is:


There is no file extension there. This becomes important... as SQL*Plus seems
to always add the `sql' extension to the script file name, when they don't
have one:

#+begin_src sh
  $ sqlplus -S user/pass@server @c\:/WINDOWS/TEMP/babel-511607b/sql-in-5116n4J
  SP2-0310: unable to open file 

If I go and add an `sql' extension to that temporary file, in the file system,
the script is well read and executed:

#+begin_src sql
  $ sqlplus -S user/pass@server 
  SELECT * FROM employees
  ERROR at line 1:
  ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

Here, the command is executed, but fails because it's just a sample command,
and there is no such table.

So, in order to get the `sqlplus' engine working, it seems necessary to add
the language extension to the file name hosting temporarily the code snippet.

In a way, it's even cleaner: would we open it under Emacs, we directly get the
proper highlighting, etc. But there was maybe a reason it hadn't been done
that way?

What do you think?

Best regards,

Sebastien Vauban

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