sergio <> writes:

> Hello.
> 1) Is it possible to make ordered list right-aligned? (Or why I should
> prefer left-aligned ones?)

I recommend to get used to it because left aligned is much easier for
implementation and I doubt anybody is going to change this...

> 2) How to set truncate-lines for org-mode? (Or why I should prefer
> default setting)

Well, you can always execute the command =toggle-truncate-lines= upon
creating an org buffer, and you could have this done automatically by
using the appropriate hook (=org-mode-hook= for instance).  However, I
would not recommend you do this as I believe that org-mode uses this
setting on purpose for whatever reason...
: Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs
: using Org-mode version 7.7 (release_7.7.615.g02c26)

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