Suppose I have this table:

| month | expenses | average |
|     1 |       20 |         |
|     2 |       30 |    25.0 |
|     3 |       40 |    30.0 |
#+TBLFM: @3$3..@>$3=vmean(@2$2..@0$2);%.1f

Then I want to delete the second row and add a new one at the bottom.
If I do so I get `#ERROR' on every recalculation.

| month | expenses | average |
|     2 |       30 |  #ERROR |
|     3 |       40 |  #ERROR |
|     4 | 50       |  #ERROR |
#+TBLFM: @2$3..@>$3=vmean(@INVALID$2..@0$2);%.1f

If I push the second row to the bottom the
result is as if the last row is still the second one.

| month | expenses | average |
|     2 |       30 |    30.0 |
|     3 |       40 |    30.0 |
|     1 |       20 |    20.0 |
#+TBLFM: @2$3..@>$3=vmean(@4$2..@0$2);%.1f



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