Alan L Tyree <> wrote:

> Debian Squeeze; org 7.7; emacs 23.2.1
> I am back to trying to make ePub books from org articles/books. I am=20
> working on a book which currently produces about 100 pages in LaTeX=20
> export. It will be about 200 pages when finished.
> ePub uses XHTML for the main content. So, I export the org file to=20
> HTML. It verifies as a valid XHTML1.0 file at the w3c verification=20
> site:
> OK. Then wrap it up in the mess that is the ePub specification. It=20
> actually reads OK in FBReader and in Iceweasel with the ePub add on,=20
> BUT it does not validate. There are several problems, but most of the=20
> errors involve the "name" attribute. For example:
> <h2 id=3D"history"><a name=3D"sec-1" id=3D"sec-1"></a><span class=3D"sectio=
> n-
> number-2">1</span> History</h2>
> ePub does not like the name in there. Wipe out all the name=3D"xxx" and=20
> the problem goes away. Everything else still works.
> I know that I can do a post export clean up of the XHTML file, but I=20
> wonder if this is set in some variable that I cannot find.
> And, as a general question, whay have both name=3D"sec-1" and id=3D"sec-1"=20
> in the same element?
> I would like to automate everything to go from org to ePub. It doesn't=20
> seem too hard, but I'm a legal academic, not a programmer :-). Any=20
> pointers appreciated.

Back when Avdi Green was working on his book, there was some discussion
of this and Anthony Lander provided a pointer to
- see


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